
displaying 1 - 14 of 14

The Victorian Archive, Revisited and Reimagined

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:06pm
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 24, 2022

A panel sponsored by NAVSA (the North American Victorian Studies Association) for ACCUTE 2023 (the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English) 27-30 May 2023 at York University's Keele campus, in Toronto, Canada The Victorian Archive, Revisited and Reimagined
Organizers: Rachelle Stinson, York University, rstinson@yorku.ca; and Tina Y. Choi, York University, tinayc@yorku.ca** The deadline for ACCUTE has been extended to Thursday 24 November 2022.**

Reviews for Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:07pm
Alissa Burger / Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture seeks reviews of recent books, films, television series, musical recordings, theatrical performances, art exhibitions and other media that make a queer contribution to media and popular culture and/or to academic scholarship on media and popular culture.

The appropriate length of a review will depend on the complexity and size of work under review, but will typically run from 1000 to 2500 words.

If you are interested in writing a review for QSMPA,, please send a CV and letter of interest, including mention of your areas of research and teaching to aburger@culver.edu with the subject line: QSMPC Reviewer database.


CFP to Post-Magical Realist Worlds panel at CCLA 2023

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:06pm
Canadian Comparative Literature Association
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Post-Magical Realist Worlds research group of Canadian Comparative Literature Association invites submissions to our session “Post-Magical Realist Worlds: Contemporary Postcolonial Storytelling Modes, Critiques, and Perspectives” for the coming CCLA congress 2023. We welcome critical voices and diverse perspectives, recognizing the multiple ways magical realism has been developed or reused globally and various reactions to its heritage in Latin American countries connected to its initial boom and elsewhere in world. This year our particular focus is on the 2023 CCLA congress theme of Reckonings and Re-imaginings in Comparative Literature.

200 Years of Johnson v. M’Intosh: Law, Religion, and Native American Lands

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:20pm
Indigenous Values Initiative
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, January 15, 2023


Submit by 1/15/2023

The Center for the Study of Law and Religion (CSLR) at Emory University, in partnership with the Indigenous Values Initiative (IVI), Syracuse University, and Canopy Forum, seeks short articles and multimedia submissions marking the 200th Anniversary of Johnson v. M’Intosh, 21 U.S. 543 (1823).

Adapting Horror in Popular Culture

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:07pm
Joseph J. Darowski and John Darowski
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, January 24, 2022

CFP for Adapting Horror in Popular Culture

Deadline for Submissions: Jan. 24, 2023

Publisher: McFarland & Company

Contact Email: monsteradaptations@gmail.com

The editors of  Adapting Horror in Popular Culture are seeking abstracts for essays that could be included in the upcoming collection. The essays should address the long-running global appeal of the monstrous in popular culture. Each essay will examine the adaptation of a creature, monster, or source of terror into a new medium.

Adaptations inherently transform an audience’s relationship with the original while presenting a version with contemporary relevance. T

GRAPHSY 2023 - Encuentros con el cuerpo: actitudes, performances y los sentidos

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:06pm
Georgetown University
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

    15th GRAPHSY (Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium) - February 17, 2023 - In Person

           Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University - Washington, DC


Encuentros con el cuerpo: actitudes, performances y los sentidos / Encontros com o corpo: atitudes, performances e os sentidos


– Literature –

Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Julia Chang (Cornell University)


– Linguistics –

Keynote Speaker:

Conference "Antropocene 4800. Letteratura, ambiente: ecocritica"

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:08pm
University of Florence, FORLILPSI Departement
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 15, 2022

In July 2022, some meteorologists renamed the most extreme of the heat waves with the name of "Apocalypse 4800", in reference to the exceptional temperatures recorded at high altitudes and the consequent rise of the freezing level at the summit of Monte Bianco (4800 meters). Net of a rhetoric rooted in a series of contradictory emotions – that place human subject between «fear and domination, veneration and control» (Scaffai 2016) towards nature – it is undeniable how the current climate crisis leads us to reflect on the precarious equilibrium of the Anthropocene (Crutzen 2002). But in becoming culturally dominant (Benedetti 2021), the Anthropocene raises further questions about the role of literature and storytelling in a broader sense.

New approaches to the mind in the early North

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:19pm
Felix Lummer and Declan Taggart, University of Iceland
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, January 15, 2023

New approaches to the mind in the early North

Date: 11th–12th May 2023

Location: University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

Keynote speakers: Prof. Sif Ríkharðsdóttir (Háskóli Íslands); Dr Stefka Georgieva Eriksen (Norsk institutt for kulturminneforsknings)

We are pleased to invite submissions to the two-day conference ‘New approaches to the mind in the early North’ from researchers exploring new approaches to the mind in the early history of the Nordic countries (400 CE to 1100 CE).

estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities (Series II, n° 2): Light

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:19pm
estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

estrema: interdisciplinary journal of humanities, an online open access journal of the Centre for Comparative Studies at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (CEComp-FLUL), is currently launching a call for papers and critical reviews for its second issue of its Series II–Winter 2022/23, with the deadline of January 31st.
Our first issue, published in the Summer of 2022, gathered works from authors who approached the topic of ‘shadows’ in a critical, innovative, and interdisciplinary manner. Using the same criteria, we hereby launch a new call for papers for our second number. This number will be published in the Winter of 2022/23, and it is focused on the topic of ‘light’.

Greening the Medical Humanities: The Environment and the Body in Conversation

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:05pm
PJMH: The Postgraduate Journal of Medical Humanities
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, February 3, 2023

Call for Papers 2023:

Greening the Medical Humanities: The Environment and the Body in Conversation


The PJMH: The Postgraduate Journal of Medical Humanities, based at the University of Exeter’s Centre for Medical History is now accepting submissions for articles and book reviews for its seventh edition ‘Greening the Medical Humanities: The Environment and the Body in Conversation’. we welcome original articles and book reviews that engage with any aspect and interpretation of this theme.

Reminder: Special Issue on Memories of Antiquity

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:05pm
Memories of Antiquity Research Group
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, December 1, 2022

Special Issue on Memories of Antiquity  deadline for submissions: December 1, 2022 full name / name of organization: Memories of Antiquity Research Group (in affiliation with the Memory Studies Association at https://www.memorystudiesassociation.org)  contact email: memories.of.antiquity@gmail.com 

CFP: Special Issue on Memories of Antiquity 

We invite prospective contributions for a special journal issue centred around modes of remembering antiquity (including the reception of ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, the Near East, and other cultural contexts). 

« In space no one can hear you scream, or can they? » A Science fiction panel- FINAL REMINDER

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 4:02am
Daniele ANDRE, AFEA workshop (French Association of North American Studies)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, January 16, 2023

 A Science fiction panel  for the “Voices, Sounds, Noises, Silences” 2023 AFEA Conference

(French Association of North American Studies)

 University of Burgundy, Dijon, France, 24-26 May


” In space no one can hear you scream“, or can they? »



CfP SLSAeu 2023: Models, Metaphors and Simulations. Epistemic Transformations in Literature, Science and the Arts

Sunday, November 27, 2022 - 3:04pm
European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSAeu)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, January 15, 2023

CfP SLSAeu 2023: Models, Metaphors and Simulations.

Epistemic Transformations in Literature, Science and the Arts


Conference of SLSAeu

European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts


ELINAS Research Center for Literature and Natural Science

                                                                     May, 18 – 21/2023

Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg

PD Dr. Aura Heydenreich, Prof. Dr. Klaus Mecke