Call for Papers: Decolonial Subversions 2023 Annual Issue

deadline for submissions: 
April 14, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Decolonial Subversions

It is not difficult to view our current historical period as a time of crisis, of a deep dissolution of humanity in the widespread colonial domination of social and environmental landscapes. It is this “haunting ghost” of coloniality, “alive in the control of economies and control of authority” that has become a grim reality in our current era.[1] Coloniality is not a remnant of a bygone era; it exists as a matrix of global power manifested in the continued settlement of lands, the cultural eradication of communities and their traditions and knowledges by those in positions of institutional power, a global economy “hooked on the promise of endless extraction of natural resources,”[2] the oversight and regulation of mindbodies also manifested in the fortification of borders and boundaries, and the denial of basic human rights from those most vulnerable in the world.

 This annual volume invites contributors to consider these issues, to examine them in witness or interrogation, and to speak back agentially in defiance of this matrix of power. It, additionally, encourages knowledge producers to subvert these violences and injustices and to center the active care, collaboration and creative resilience that exists in our decolonial world making. In doing this, we can resist raced, gendered, and classed forms of oppression that are products of the encroachment of epistemic coloniality onto the world, while also locating ourselves beyond extractionism in ways that reinvigorate connectivity.

 The 2023 annual volume of Decolonial Subversions invites you to engage with this Call for Papers in ways that are critical and creative. We welcome audio, visual and written works in various languages in addition to English, and we especially encourage submissions from marginalized, minoritized, oppressed, and/or silenced peoples throughout the globe. All submissions undergo peer-review, with the option of an open and collaborative review offered to ensure that the process is as equitable as possible. We are pleased to announce that the call for the next round of contributions is now open until April 2023.

 Guidelines for submission are available online at: Decolonial Subversions

 We encourage completed submissions, but if you have a question or would like to send an abstract for consideration, contact the Editors-in-Chief at, copying this volume’s Assistant Editor Ibtisam M. Abujad at

[1] William Mpofu, “Decoloniality as Travelling Theory: or What Decoloniality is Not,” Presented at WISH Seminar, Aug. 7, 2017.

 [2] Paula Serafini, “A Decolonial, Ecofeminist Ethic of Care,” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale (2021) 29, no. 1: 223.