War, the Holocaust, and Human Rights Conference

deadline for submissions: 
March 1, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
The Ackerman Center at the University of Texas at Dallas/U.S. Air Force Academy
contact email: 

The Ackerman Center at The University of Texas at Dallas and the U.S. Air Force Academy are pleased to invite panel proposals for War, the Holocaust, and Human Rights, a joint conference that will take place from Oct. 11-13, 2023, at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

This international and multidisciplinary conference offers the opportunity to examine the intersectionality of War, the Holocaust, and Human Rights as well as their representation through a multitude of disciplines, lenses, and formats. Bringing together scholars and practitioners from the fields including, but not limited to, history, law, political science, English, and the arts, this conference will foster critical dialogues regarding the nature of war, genocide, and the preservation of human rights. It will expand current understanding of these issues, while exploring the ways in which armed conflicts and crimes against humanity have come to mark the modern era. We welcome submissions for panels addressing any aspect of the conference themes, without limits to geography or historical era.

We welcome papers as well as artistic representations and encourage proposals that foster diversity of perspectives, formats, and experiences. Formats include paper panels, round tables, quick-fire sessions, workshops, and art or photo exhibits. For workshops, round tables, and quick-fire sessions, the proposal must include an active moderator and three to five participants. Paper panels should include three speakers and a commenter. Proposals for complete panels are highly encouraged but individual submissions are also welcome. Individual or collaborative proposals for art or photo exhibits also will be considered. Proposals for art of photo exhibits require only one person’s work but can be collaborative.

The conference also welcome posters from undergraduate students, which will be exhibited at the conference. The theme for poster submissions is “War, Genocide, and Public Representations.”  

Please submit proposals by email to WHHRConference@utdallas.edu by March 1, 2023, with the subject line “WHHR Proposal.” The proposal should include the following components in a single PDF document:

  • An abstract of 350 words; individual submissions should be no more than 150 words.
  • A one-page CV and brief biography (no more than 100 words) per participant/moderator
  • Please send in a single PDF attachment with the proposal title in the file name; for individual submissions, include last name and submission title.

Notification of acceptance letters will be emailed by the end of May 2023. More info here: https://whhr.utdallas.edu/call-for-papers/


Diversity Statement

We are committed to creating an environment that honors human dignity, especially the memory of survivors and victims of the Holocaust and other atrocities. We welcome and encourage participation from people of all races, colors, national origins, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, ages, disabilities, and veteran statuses.