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[CFP] Thanatic Ethics Workshop #4: In search of accountability 

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:51pm
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, May 1, 2023


Thanatic Ethics: The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces

Workshop #4:  In search of accountability


A partnership between International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (The Education University of Hong Kong), EMMA (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)

and The American College of the Mediterranean (ACM, Aix-en-Provence)


Venue: University Paul Valery Montpellier 3, France

Dates: October 5-6, 2023

Language: English

MLA 2024: Special Session - Theatrical Performance in Literature

Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 11:14pm
Alexia Mandla Ainsworth / MLA Special Session 2024
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, March 20, 2023

This special session panel, for the 2024 MLA in Philadelphia, PA, will reflect on how performativity, acting, and theatre appear in writing. When we consider the novel, especially, how does theatre show its impact on authors and how do authors invoke theatrical performance or acting in a non-visual form? For texts with visual components, such as manga or illustrated stories, how do the images interface with the text to create an experience of performance for readers? When we see the theatre itself appear in literature, what is its role? When we see an amateur performance, such as Lovers' Vows in Austen's Mansfield Park, what does that say about how theatre is constructed in Austen's understanding of society?


Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 10:30am
Prof. Mary Jo Muratore / University of Missouri
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, June 30, 2024



Special volume of Humanities (Journal): Journal of Interdisciplinarity

Today I felt pass over me a breath of wind from the wings of madness.   

—Charles Baudelaire


Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:47pm
Association of Postcolonial Thought and University of Michigan
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 31, 2023



The language of crisis suffuses current imaginings of past, present, and future. This symposium invites ambitious and expansive critical reflections on the concept of crisis and the postcolony across time and space. We welcome interdisciplinary provocations in the humanities, arts, and social sciences that offer the potential for thinking about crisis alongside forms of resilience, resistance, and collaboration.


Thomas Hardy: Special Session RMMLA

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:44pm
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Papers on any aspect of Thomas Hardy, poetry or prose, 19th or 20th century. Conference Dates: October 11-14, 2023. Conference Location: Denver, Colorado. Email abstracts or papers by April 1 to clay.daniel@utrgv.edu


Saturday, June 10, 2023 - 12:28pm
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj, Romania
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, July 10, 2023

Our conference aims to encourage studies that explore an emerging paradigm in intermediality studies centred on "affective intermediality", and we hope to initiate a friendly, scholarly debate regarding the relevance and productivity of this approach. The necessity of such an “affective turn” of intermediality studies arises from viewing intermediality as an intricate and highly performative process of communication between humans within a particular context of material reality and historical time, not just as a “transfer”, a “combination” or “reference” of media characteristics or representations, i.e.

Disability Aesthetics in a Premodern Global Context

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:38pm
MLA LLC Forum for Sixteenth-Century English Literature
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

MLA LLC (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) 16th-Century English (D024)

 The MLA LLC Forum for Sixteenth-Century English Literature is sponsoring a guaranteed panel on “Disability Aesthetics in a Premodern Global Context” at the MLA 2024 conference in Philadelphia (4-7 Jan. 2024). We welcome submissions and inquiries from scholars at all career stages.

Call for Papers: How might we study disability aesthetics alongside histories of empire, settler colonialism, racial capitalism, etc.? How did global encounters shape depictions of dis/ability?

Send queries to Penelope Geng (pgeng@macalester.edu). 250-word abstracts due 28 Feb. 2023.

MLA 2024: Interpreting Italian American Visual Arts and Cultures

Saturday, February 4, 2023 - 5:09pm
MLA 2024
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 17, 2023

This panel investigates Italian American transnational and transgenerational depictions of memory and ethnic identity through visual culture. Our goal is to invite scholars to reflect on diverse media and forms of representation, drawing attention to artists, authors, and performers who used visual components to narrate their hybrid identities and relationships to trauma, diaspora, and postmemory. Names like Fasanella, B. Amore, DiSalvo, Stella, and Scanga, come to mind, as artists who gave form to visual tropes of memory narrating their experience as first and second generation Italian Americans. 

Pedagogy and performance special issue of Shakespeare Bulletin

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:37pm
Matteo Pangallo, Virginia Commonwealth University
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 30, 2023

Guest editors Matteo Pangallo (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Will Tosh (Shakespeare’s Globe) invite article abstracts for a proposed special issue of Shakespeare Bulletin on the use of performance in teaching Shakespeare and early modern drama in the twenty-first century. Possible article topics include, but are not limited to:

The Invention of Traditions in the United Kingdom and the British Empire, 1840-1940

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:34pm
Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes en Civilisation Britannique (CRECIB) and Société Française d'Etudes Victoriennes et Edouardiennes (SFEVE)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, May 1, 2023

The Invention of Traditions in the United Kingdom and the British Empire, 1840-1940


Conference organized jointly by the Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes en Civilisation Britannique (CRECIB) and the Société Française d'Etudes Victoriennes et Edouardiennes (SFEVE).


University of Haute-Alsace, France (Mulhouse campus), November 16-17, 2023.


Unearthing: Past in Present and Future

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 3:34pm
Bhawna Vij Arora
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Call for Papers


Past in Present and Future

Associative Interactions in the Orbit of Memory Studies


Deadline for Submissions: March 25, 2023


Concept Note