Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference: Adaptations Area
Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference: Adaptations Area
Friday-Sunday, 6-8, October 2023
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
Address: DePaul Center, 1 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 362-8000
The Adaptations area of the Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association is now accepting proposals for its 2023 conference in Chicago. We welcome submissions that consider any aspect of adaptation (or textual interrelationships more broadly) from any time period. Suggested topics for paper or panel proposals include, but are not limited to:
- Adaptations across media broadly defined (film, television, literature, theatre, music, video games, board games, theme parks, comics, animation, fan productions, etc.)
- Specific types or forms of adaptation such as parody, remakes, transnational adaptations, “subversive” adaptations, nonfiction adaptations, and so on
- Adaptation-adjacent forms of intertextuality including appropriation, citation, pastiche, sequels/prequels/spin-offs, and so on
- Adaptation and genre
- Adaptation and authorship
- Adaptation and reception/audiences
- Adaptation and representations of race, gender, sexuality, and class
- Adaptation and taste politics (e.g., adapting “high” cultural texts into popular forms or vice versa)
- Adaptation and ongoing questions of “fidelity” and/or authorial intent
- Adaptation as social/political critique
Please upload 250 word abstract proposals to the Adaptations Subject Area on the Submissions website at https://www.mpcaaca.org/submit-panels.
Individuals may only submit one paper. Do not submit the same paper to more than one Area.
Deadline for receipt of proposals has been extended to May 15, 2023.
If you have any questions about the Adaptations Subject Area, please email Jamie Hook at jrhook@indiana.edu.
For more information on the 2023 conference, please visit https://www.mpcaaca.org/2023-mpca-aca-annual-conference.