Call for abstracts is NOW open for the 3rd International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2023)

deadline for submissions: 
July 20, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Education Research Lab Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
contact email: 

Call for abstracts is NOW open for the 3rd International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2023)

  • Theme: Sustainable Developments of Education and Research: Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies
  • Date: Saturday, October 21, 2023, 9.00 AM – 8.00 PM KSA time (GMT +3)
  • Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform (virtual)


ERL2023 submission details:

  • Types: Paper presentations or poster presentations
  • Abstracts are welcome in the following areas:
    • Global trends in e-learning;
    • Emerging trends in the K-12, College, and Graduate educational domains;
    • Machine learning; ○ Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI);
    • Digital innovation and gamification;
    • Learner's retention and engagement;
    • Assessment validity and reliability in today’s teaching and learning landscape;
    • Curriculum and material design for today’s learner;
    • Inclusiveness and equity.

Submissions link:

Submission deadline: July 20, 2023


Note: Accepted submissions at the ERL2023 will be given publishing opportunities in Sustainability Journal ISI Q2 | SCOPUS Q1

For more information about our lab and the ERL2023 International Symposium, please write to the following email address.

Kind regards,

Dr. Muhammad Imran | Postdoctoral Researcher in the Education Research Lab at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia |

Ms. Maha Aljasser | Research Assistant, Education Research Lab, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia |