East-West Cultural Passage, Special Issue: Translation Studies: Retrospects and Prospects

deadline for submissions: 
December 4, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Ana-Karina Schneider, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Special Issue: Translation Studies: Retrospects and Prospects


Submission deadline: 15 October 2023


In this age of unprecedented technological development, the field of translation studies has expanded and has pushed away centuries-long boundaries, resulting in radical and far-reaching breakthroughs. From automatic online translation services and the diversification of translation applications and programs to crowdsourced translation, through sophisticated translation memory software and various other props, translation practice has made remarkable steps forward. At the same time, translation theory has diversified, borrowing interdisciplinary approaches which have cross-fertilized the field, resulting in an enhanced understating of the processes at play.


In this context, the upcoming issue of the East-West Cultural Passage Journal (https://sciendo.com/journal/EWCP), to be published in December 2023, will be dedicated to reflections and analytical approaches to transfer processes.


Possible topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-        Translation studies: new and old perspectives

-        The role of the translator in the Digital Age

-        Translation and globalization

-        The ‘3T paradigm’: trade, technology, translation

-        Literary vs. non-literary translation

-        Specialized translation

-        Audiovisual translation

-        Computer technologies in translation

-        Interdisciplinary approaches to translation

-        Translator training

-        National identity in translation

-        Cultural Translation


Submission deadline: 15 October 2023


Articles will be subject to a blind peer reviewing process and must not be under consideration for any other publication.


Submission guidelines: The first page of the manuscript should carry the title, names of authors, institutional affiliations, a brief but detailed 200-word abstract, and 7-10 key words/ concepts. The article must be accompanied by a 200-word biographical note and must conform to MLA referencing (9th edition). Please see further information and instructions in the journal’s Submission Guidelines at: https://magazines.ulbsibiu.ro/ewcp/.


The word-limit for articles is 8500 words, including notes and references.


Please email enquiries and submissions marked “Translation Studies” to Alexandra Mitrea at alexandra.mitrea@ulbsibiu.ro and Anca-Luminița Iancu at anca.iancu@ulbsibiu.ro, before the closing date.