III International Postgraduate Seminar in English Literature and Linguistics (IPSELL)
The III International Postgraduate Seminar in English Literature and Linguistics (IPSELL) organised by the Master’s in English Literature and Linguistics of the University of Granada aims to provide a forum where postgraduate students/researchers can present the results of their current research projects (preferably MA dissertation or early PhD work). This event intends to allow master’s and early career research students to share their research interests with national and international young scholars and get acquainted with the critical visions and methodological approaches that will be leading academic research in the years to come. IPSELL welcomes submissions reporting original research results related —though not restricted to— any of the following academic interests:
LITERATURE Comparative literature, Contemporary literature, Cultural studies, Ecocriticism, Gender studies, Feminisms, Masculinities, LGTBQ+ studies, Inter-, trans-, and multimediality, Literary translation, Disability studies, Postcolonial studies
LINGUISTICS Adaptation studies, Computational linguistics, Corpus linguistics, Genre analysis, Historical linguistics, Second language acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics
IPSELL will be held face-to-face at the University of Granada on September 29th, 2023. The presentations will be grouped into theme sessions based on the research field. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present their work.
Please find the CFP attached. The deadline for submissions is June 30th.
Do not hesitate to follow us on Twitter for more information and updates! @IPSELL_UGR