Identity in Flux: the Making and Unmaking of Medieval Social Categories
Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2023
Date of conference: October 20, 2023
Invitation: This virtual conference invites papers to consider medieval practices of identity formation and representations of identity. Examples of possible topics to consider include: How might medieval models of consciously constructed literary character illuminate the constructedness of identity and/or textual representations of identity? How do medieval notions of identity help us to understand it as unstable, contextually contingent, and its categories as mutually constitutive— as a species of performative participation rather than a static possession? Conversely, how might medieval texts work to stabilize or mystify the mutability of identity? We welcome papers that come to these and related questions from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches and strongly encourage interdisciplinary approaches. Considerations of national, racial, religious, and gender/trans identity are welcome, as are papers concerned with kinship and familial affiliation, class/estate, and the intersections of these forms of identity.
Instructions for submission: Please send an abstract of no more than 150 words to and before the deadline. Include your name, affiliation, email, and pronouns. Please indicate in your submission whether you would like your essay to be considered for inclusion in a possible forum of published essays.