RECONFIGURATIONS: New narrative challenges in moving images

deadline for submissions: 
November 15, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Special issue of the journal Ekphrasis – Images, Cinema, Theory, Media
contact email: 

Upon entering a new decade of the twenty-first century the artistic landscape is increasingly hybrid and veering from the norms; a growing blend of forms, contents and genres is taking place. Therefore, it is imperative to reflect on the interrelation of narrative and media/arts and to contribute with academic theorization that allows for a broadening of reflection upon the nature and role of narrative as the binding element of a new audiovisual praxis.

We call on authors to submit papers focusing on the multiple challenges of artistic contemporaneity, seeking to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue.


Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Complex, non-linear and fragmentary narrative structures.
• Self-reflexivity, metalepsis, ekphrasis, embedding.
• Unreliable narration.
• Characters and diegetic universes.
• Time and space in the narrative.
• Screenwriting techniques.
• Transmedia storytelling.
• Seriality, complex television series.
• Narrative and new media.
• Interactive narrative.
• Narrative in video games.
• Narration and altered states of consciousness.

The articles should have between 5,000-9,000 words with a bibliography and footnotes
included, as well as a 150-word abstract, 5 keywords, and a 100-word author’s short bio.
The papers will be selected by the editorial board and double-blind peer-reviewed before
final acceptance. For the appropriate style and guidelines, please check

Deadline for submission: 15 November 2023.
Publication date: June 2024
