Media Convergence in Postcolonial Locations
A one-day Colloquium (Hybrid)
11 August 2023
Dominican University, Ibadan, Nigeria
This one-day colloquium aims to deepen our understanding of how media convergence manifests and impacts postcolonial nations. Media convergence is the coming together of Computing, Content, and Communication. While we can assume that the world is fully integrated into a “media-converged” environment, we are also aware of existing and possible asymmetries between the global north and south, developed and developing nations. Consequently, there is growing urgency to interrogate how media convergence manifests and impacts societies and communities, especially those in postcolonial locations. The colloquium organizers encourage studies examining connections or disconnections between media convergence and gender, class, ethnicity, nation, etc. We invite proposals that explore philosophical, theoretical, and historical dimensions of media convergence, case studies of media convergence examples, access, uses, and impacts in postcolonial locations. We strongly encourage contributions from scholars in different academic fields in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, and Computing. Proposal topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Technological Convergence
- Media Convergence and Diffusion of Innovation
- Impacts of Digital Technologies on Traditional Media
- Media Convergence and Participatory Culture
- Case Studies of Media Convergence and online learning
- Case Studies of Media Convergence and Auteurs, Celebrities, and Influencers
- Economics of Media Convergence
- Digitization and platform dissemination practices
- Media Convergence and Intellectual Property
- Case Studies of Media Convergence and Discourses of Precarity
- Streaming platforms and Cultural Identities
- Cultural Convergence – Acculturation and Assimilation
- Media Convergence and Decolonisation
- Media Convergence and Re-colonisation
- Media Convergence and inequalities (gender, class, disabilities, etc.)
Timeline and information for Presenters/Authors
- Deadline for Abstract Submissions: 15th July 2023
- Abstract Accept/Reject Notification: 24th July 2023
- Registration & Other Colloquium details: 24th July 2023
- Colloquium Date: 11th August 2023
- Deadline for Full (Revised) Papers: 15th September 2023
Potential contributors should submit a 300-word abstract (excluding references), a 100-word bio, and the contact information of the corresponding author to the guest editors: Ifeanyi Onyike ( and Anthony Adah ( Full papers should run between 3000-5000 words (including Works Cited) in MLA 9th edition style. Note: accepting an abstract does not guarantee publication, given that all papers will undergo peer review.