Encyclopedia of American Indian Literature: 3rd Edition
We are updating The Encyclopedia of American Indian Literature (Ed. Alan Velie and Jennifer McClinton-Temple) to include authors and works that have been published or gained prominence since the original publication.
We welcome contributors to write biographical entries (500 words) on the following authors and works:
Dimaline, Cherie.
Erdrich, Heid.
Fasthorse, Larissa.
Hobson, Brandon.
Jones, Stephen Graham.
Nolan, Yvette.
Orange, Tommy.
Pico, Tommy.
Cynthia Leitich Smith
Fasthorse, Larissa. The Thanksgiving Play.
Hobson, Brandon. Where the Dead Sit Talking.
Orange, Tommy. There, There.
Bruchac, Joseph. Killer Enemies.
Harjo, Joy. An American Sunrise.
Howe, LeAnn. Miko Kings: An Indian Baseball Story.
Miranda, Deborah. Bad Indians.
If interested, please send an email with CV to jennifermcclinton-temple@kings.edu
Thank you!