ICMS Kalamazoo 2024: Contexts and Contacts of Early Middle English
Special session for ICMS Kalamazoo 2024
Delivery Mode: Virtual (fully online)
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Special session for ICMS Kalamazoo 2024
Delivery Mode: Virtual (fully online)
Modern Language Studies, the journal of the Northeast Modern Language Association, is seeking reviews for the winter 2023-2024 issue. In recent years, the temperature has risen around free speech debates, and books on censorship and free speech come out with such frequency that it is hard to keep abreast of the new scholarship. I am interested in receiving reviews and review essays on academic books published in the last several years that are in some way related to free speech. The books to be reviewed can center on any historical, geographical, or disciplinary context, and the reviews and review essays can be written from (almost) any theoretical perspective.
4 & 5 April 2024, University of Amsterdam | Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2023.
Keynote Speaker:
Macarena Gómez-Barris (Brown University, author of The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives, Duke University Press, 2017)
For this two-day, single-stream, and in-person conference, sponsored by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and Dutch Research Council, scholars are invited to explore how the human and nonhuman forces shaping and emerging from the earth are articulated in art and cultural practice.
There has been a veritable outpouring of both popular and academic writing on folk horror in the wake of folk horror’s resurgence in the post-2009 period. The last three years, for instance, has seen an excellent and comprehensive documentary film, Kier-La Janisse’s Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021); a special issue of the journal Revenant: Critical and Cultural Studies of the Supernatural (2020) dedicated to folk horror (with a special issue of Horror Studies in the works); and four collections of scholarly essays either just published or forthcoming in 2023 (see Bacon; Bayman and Donnelly; Edgar and Johnson; and Keetley and Heholt).
JWSR Special Issue: National Sovereignty and the World-System
Guest Editors: Roberto D. Hernández, San Diego State University and Nandita Sharma, University of Hawaii at Manoa