CFP-The Text-Vol.6 No.1-January 2024 Issue
The Text, an International Peer Reviewed Online Journal of Language,
Literature and Critical Theory (ISSN: 2581-9526)invites original,
unpublished research papers for January 2024 issue.
Indexed in:
1. ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
2. IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research)
3. Citefactor (Directory Indexing of International Research Journals)
4. DRJI (The Directory of Research Journal Indexing)
The journal offers a platform for scholarly writings on language,
literature, theory/criticism, cultural/queer/disability/
translation/media/performance/eco/animal studies. Envisaging
purposeful research between literature and other disciplines
(literature and philosophy, literature and religion, literature and
education, literature and sociology, literature and anthropology,
literature and science, literature and medicine, literature and
economics, literature and politics, literature and law, literature and
music, literature and archeology, literature and psychology).
Word limit: 3000-8000
Last date for submission: 15th October 2023
A nominal fee will be charged once the article has been selected for
The fee structure for research paper publication is as follows:
Professor: Rs. 1000/-
Research Scholar: Rs. 750/-
Note: In the scenario of a research article authored by two
individuals, comprising a research scholar and a supervisor/mentor,
the fee will be imposed based on the individual identified as the
primary author or the first author of the paper.
All your original unpublished submissions/queries should be sent to:
For more information visit: