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She Said, He Said, They Said: (Un)Reliable Narrators in Literature

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 12:20am
Northeast Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 29, 2023

She Said, He Said, They Said: (Un)Reliable Narrators in Literature

by and/ or About Women

Submitted by Annette M. Magid

Annual Northeast Modern Language Association

55th  Annual Convention

Convention Center

Boston, MA     March 7-19, 2024


Submit Proposals to: https://cfplist.com/nemla/User/SessionManage/20329


Revisiting Closet Poets

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 12:25am
Northeast Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 29, 2023

Submit proposals to:  https://cfplist.com/nemla/User/SessionManage/20330

You do not need to be a NeMLA member to submit a proposal.

When the screen opens, click on "Browse the 2023 Call for Papers." The next screen will ask for AREA, type “creative” and  “Creative Writing, Editing and Publishing” will appear in the box and for KEYWORD type “closet.” The session will appear in a block below those two boxes. Next click on the “Revisiting Closet Poets” block and it will take you to the submit abstract page. Click the green box in the upper right corner to submit your proposal.

Sounds of Solidarity @ ASA 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023 - 7:27am
Gabriel Saloman Mindel / Alex Ullman
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

 This is a call for participants in “The Sounds of Solidarity Audio Potluck” at the American Studies Association’s 2023 conference being held November 2-5 in Montreal, Quebec. [https://theasa.net/annual-meeting] In the past year, labor organizing in the United States has flourished in various sites of workplace precarity: from Amazon warehouses to Hollywood writer’s rooms, from  Starbucks cafes to some of the most prestigious research universities across the U.S. This labor activity has an acoustic register, a sonic praxis that relies on noisemaking to extend the picket beyond the material limits of the line.

ICMS 2024: Crafting the Afterlife: Depictions of Heaven, Hell, and Unearthly Spaces in Medieval Literature

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 12:24am
Krista Telford & H.M. Cushman
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 15, 2023

Depictions of the afterlife abound in medieval texts of every genre and form. From descriptions of heaven, hell, and purgatory to explorations of reincarnation and mythical spaces like Hades and the Elysian fields, medieval thinkers utilized art, music, literature, and theology to imagine different forms of life after death. In turn, such texts shaped what the afterlife looked like, sounded like, and felt like. With every work of writing and art, the afterlives depicted in classical literature and scripture took on slightly or drastically different forms. This session seeks to delve into the medieval construction of the afterlife, examining how life after death was depicted, interpreted, and experienced in medieval culture, both within and beyond Europe.

Call for Chapters: Critical Perspectives on Resistance in 21st-Century British Literature

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 12:24am
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, October 30, 2023

Dear Colleagues,


You are invited to submit a chapter proposal for possible inclusion in the book Critical Perspectives on Resistance in 21st-Century British Literature to be published by the renowned publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing (https://www.cambridgescholars.com/). Cambridge Scholars Publishing is registered in the United Kingdom. Companies House Reg. Number: 4333775.


We welcome innovative and insightful chapters that critically analyze and engage with the ways in which resistance is represented, examined, and challenged in 21st-century British literature.