National Conference on Vulnerability Studies

deadline for submissions: 
August 25, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
NIT Andhra Pradesh
contact email: 

Vulnerability Studies is a multidisciplinary field of research that examines the complex interplay between individuals, communities, and systems in the face of various risks and challenges. This area of study delves into the conditions, processes, and consequences of vulnerability, aiming to understand and address the underlying factors that contribute to the exposure and susceptibility of individuals and groups to harm or disadvantage. Scholars engaging in Vulnerability Studies draw from diverse disciplines such as sociology, psychology, geography, economics, and public health to investigate a wide range of contexts, including social inequalities, environmental degradation, economic crises, political conflicts, and public health emergencies.

At its core, Vulnerability Studies seeks to illuminate the mechanisms that generate and perpetuate vulnerability, as well as the strategies that can enhance resilience and mitigate adverse outcomes. Moreover, Vulnerability Studies acknowledges that vulnerability is a dynamic and contextspecific phenomenon. Vulnerability Studies provides a crucial lens through which scholars and practitioners can comprehend the intricate dynamics of vulnerability and resilience.

Vulnerability Studies has increasingly found its place within the realm of literature and films, providing a rich and thoughtprovoking scope for research and exploration. The scope of research in literature and films within Vulnerability Studies is broad and diverse.

By delving into the realms of literature and films, Vulnerability Studies expands their horizons, bridging the gap between academia and the creative arts. This interdisciplinary approach enables researchers to gain deeper insights into the complexities of vulnerability, enriching our understanding of the human experience and contributing to broader conversations on social justice, empathy, and resilience.

Thrust Areas:

Gender and Vulnerability

Social Marginalization and Vulnerability

Trauma and Resilience

Mental Health and Vulnerability

Political Oppression and Vulnerability

Aging and Vulnerability

Environmental Vulnerability

Childhood and Vulnerability

Power and Vulnerability

Empathy and Vulnerability

Economic Inequality and Vulnerability

Health and Disability

Migration and Refugees

LGBTQ+ Vulnerability

Technology and Vulnerability

Historical Vulnerability

Intersectionality and Vulnerability


Guidelines for Submission of Abstract:


Word count: 150-200

E-mail a word file of your abstract, with a 60-word bio-note to:

Submission of Full Paper: Word count: 2500-3000 (including references)

Referencing style: MLA 9 Edition


Important Dates:

Deadline to Submit Abstracts: 25 August 2023

Acceptance of Abstracts: 1 September 2023

Payment of Registration Fee by Selected Participants: 15 September 2023

Submission of Full Paper: 30 September 2023

Registration fee: Research Scholars: Rs.1000; Faculty Members: Rs.1500

The link to pay the registration fee will be e-mailed to selected presenters.

E-certificate will be provided to the presenters.