International Conference on Media, Culture and Audience : Contemporary Issues and Challenges

deadline for submissions: 
August 10, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Swami Vivekananda University, Barckpore, West Bengal
contact email: 

Concept Note :

Popular Culture is an integrated concept that includes anthropology, linguistics, sociology, cognitive science and communication studies. Media is a significant catalyst to inherit the culture more specifically in the era of information superhighway (Cassel, 2011) .Media and Cultural Studies is a useful narrative that directs our attention to the media environment in which we  survive, discuss and raise public opinion. Culture is not merely a social process but a set of products sorted into high , low and middle positions on a ladder ( Campbell, 2000) .  Here culture represents large and  functional  spaces that spread out in all directions as a map. In contemporary life cultural boundaries are being tested, the lines between information and entertainment have blurred. Consumers now read their daily  paper on a computer or mobile screen. Media conglomerates  do business across vast geographic boundaries and we witness media convergence, corporate hegemony and delicate handshake between media and political parties. These phenomena have a power to interfere with societal norms, beliefs, relations , emotions and  practices . Nowadays, the media acts as the most prominent platform to impart information and create public opinion accordingly. It seems to be omnipotent and omniscient. In this outset the corporate, state and political parties may try to hold or build up a delicate concord  with media industries.  To analyze the  phenomenon, the study of the  ‘global media system’ ( Daya Thussu) is necessary. Mapping of the global media flow and contra -flow may define dominant and alternative discourses of media. The conference will discuss the issues related with contemporary media imperialism ( Herbert Schiller)  and beyond media imperialism to ensure asymmetrical interdependence and cultural proximity. At the same time the conference will bring with it some narratives on cultures of global communication and power of communication and media.   The present theme of this international conference is to discuss various ways in which media has become entwined with popular culture and contributed to the  establishment of new paths in social, cultural and political spheres. The conference would aim at exchanging ideas and perspectives among scholars on different issues relating to media and its impact on society and popular culture. We aspire that the present conference would be advantageous to the intelligentsia of the society and also  the research scholars would be enriched with the valuable inputs they will receive from the experts of this genre.  The conference  will be a platform for discussion that explores the historical, social, cultural, philosophical and impact of  culture  on media  studies.

 Call for Papers: 

The present conference is interdisciplinary  in nature. Therefore, papers on related themes are invited from academicians, researchers, experts in the fields of social sciences  like   Mass Communication, Sociology , English & Cultural Studies , Political Science and Media Professionals . The present conference is inviting research articles that will discuss the role of media in contemporary society, considering the emergence of several issues like corporate monopoly, digitalization, expansion of the virtual world through social media , deviation of media -objectivity , political interference on media content , declining status of editor , manipulation of audience reach, changing narratives of media economics and related issues.

 Some of the Sub-themes of Call for papers are mentioned below : 

  • Theories of media and culture - An emerging trend 
  • Global media system and mapping the global media flow
  • Media politics and public life: A narrative of political communication
  • Digital media : Competition, convergence and consumerism 
  • Issues of development communication : Environment,  public health, human rights and gender studies 
  • Gender Fluidity in Film: Challenging traditional notions of identity and representation
  • The impact of OTT Platforms on Traditional Broadcasting: Challenges and Opportunities           


Submission Guidelines 

  • Author’s name, title, affiliation, and email
  • An abstract, up to 200 words. Either British spelling or American spelling is to be followed.
  • Key words (6)
  • Font- Times New Roman, Size-12, Spacing-Single spaced
  • Research papers must be between 3500-4000 words (including References)
  • The whole paper has to be divided into following sections-
  • Introduction,
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Discussion (/Result Analysis)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • (Please follow the above order and do not add any Bibliography. Only Reference will do)
  • A list of figure captions and tables (if any figure/table is used)
  • In-text citations and references should follow the American Psychological Association (APA style) guidelines/citations;


Important Dates 


Last date of abstract Submission

10th August, 2023


Notification of acceptance

14th August 


Submission of Full paper

15th September 


Date of conference

28-30th September 


Registration Fees for Paper Presentation and Publication in ISBN Volume/ Recognized ISSN Journal : 



Indian Participants (INR)-Rs. 2000

Foreign Participants ($)-$ 60


Research Scholars

Indian Participants -Rs. 1500

Foreign Participants- $ 40



Indian Participants- Rs. 1000

Foreign Participants-$ 20