Stop Talking Out Da Side of Ya Neck: LGBTQ Experiences at the HBCU
Historically, the campus of the Historically Black College and/or University has been inclusive and accepting for students, faculty, and staff members who hailed from various socio-economic statuses, geographical location, and even, political affiliations. However, for the individual who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and/or Queer, there is often no recoprocity in their experience on their respective HBCU campus.
Due to the historical connection to religion surrounding the founding of the HBCU, these institutions often played into this idea of "respectabilty politics," reintroduced to us by Evelyn Brooks Higginbottom in her work, Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920. Often, these students are faced with discrimination from not only their classmates, but also from the Faculty and Administration at their institutions. Because these students who are paying the same tuition as students who identify as straight, I find it disheartening that they are not afforded the same treatment in many instances. Further, there are also instances of discrmination exhibited towards faculty and staff members who identify as LGBTQ.
Consult Write Now, LLC is seeking submissions of personal essays from current students, faculty, staff, and/or alumni members from any Historically Black College and/or University,who identify as LGTBQ, to share their experiences, whether positive or negative. These stories will be shared in the first volume in the collection, Stop Talking Out Da Side of Ya Neck: LGBTQ Students' Experiences at the HBCU,to be published in Fall 2024. We are especially interested if you want to share your experience as a student athlete or fraternity or sorority member.
If you are interested in sharing your story, please submit a 250-500 words abstract, to, including the following information, January 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m.(EST):
*Institutional Affiliation
*Classification (Student, Faculty, Staff, Alumni)
*Your personal experience as an LGBTQ Identifying individual on the campus of the HBCU
If your abstract is selected, you will receive an email notification, with submission requirements and other deadlines for the final version of the submission, by February 1, 2024. If you would prefer anonymity if your submission is selected, we will honor your wishes.