Studying the Medieval Manuscripts of Ovid: Rewards and Challenges | ICMS 2024
The Societas Ovidiana welcomes proposals for a virtual roundtable to be held at the International Congress of Medieval Studies (ICMS) at Kalamazoo, May 9-11 2024.
This roundtable invites short presentations based on concrete studies of particular manuscripts (or sets of manuscripts) containing works by, or in any way involving, Ovid.
Contributions are welcomed from any discipline or methodology that will show how the study of manuscripts can cast light on the medieval reception of Ovid. Contributors are also encouraged to share any problems they face in their examination of the manuscript(s) in question; these will form one basis for discussion among the participants after the presentation of the short papers.
Proposals should be submitted by September 15, 2023 at
If you have any questions, please contact William Little ( and Rebecca Menmuir (