Sacred Cultures in Politics

deadline for submissions: 
January 15, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Eds. Roberta Sabbath, Daniel Nii Aboagye Aryeh
contact email: 

Sacred Cultures in Politics, a collection of scholarly articles, seeks to reveal sacred and/or religious rhetoric serving as persuasive tools in the vast arena of political activism. In his Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Giorgio Agamben challenges religious institutions to use their persuasive powers not for priestly privilege but “to make a new possible” for humanity. In a similar spirit, this collection seeks to make transparent both the rhetorical systems and their use in local, national, regional, or global political arenas.

Political operatives use familiar tropes springing from communal belief systems to transform the primeval into the contemporary, the distant into the immediate, and the detached into the normative to organize, motivate, and unite target populations, their political power, and their finances. Often leaders seek to improve life on earth, to serve the greater good. Often leaders seek self-serving political agendas and inspire raw partisan politics. The rhetoric can unify or divide, be inclusive or exclusive, elevate or destroy.

Scholars are therefore invited to submit abstracts on relevant themes, from varied indigenous, religious, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, educational, legal, national, and cultural perspectives, including but not limited to:

  • Gender studies and sexuality (LGBTQ2S+ issues)
  • Migration
  • Ethnicity
  • Mission and respect for marginalized belief systems
  • The aged and social welfare
  • Pandemics and medical services
  • Wealth creation
  • Corruption
  • Environmental issues
  • Ecological care
  • Children
  • The vulnerable in society
  • Security and safety
  • Employment and job security
  • Human capital development
  • Religious fundamentalism
  • Wars
  • Terrorist activity
  • National security
  • Conflict management and resolutions
  • Religion and politics
  • Religion and health

These themes and more can be approached from a variety of critical methodologies and approaches.

Note: Abstracts and papers are to be academically logical using critical methods of gathering information from academic and contemporary arenas accompanied by academic theoretical framework/grounding (not sermons or imaginative writing). Prospective contributors/authors are to submit an abstract of about 150-250 words, a short narrative bio (75 words), and a c.v. Final chapters run 6-7000 words.

Submission of Abstracts: January 15, 2024

Submission of rough draft: July 15, 2024

Submission of final draft: December 31, 2024


Abstracts, papers, and enquiries should be sent to Roberta Sabbath, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States, at, or Daniel Nii Aboagye Aryeh, Perez University College, Ghana, at