Hawthorne and the Gothic

deadline for submissions: 
October 31, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Nathaniel Hawthorne Review

Call for Papers:

New Directions in Hawthorne’s Gothic: for Nathaniel Hawthorne Review

Last time our journal published a special issue on Hawthorne’s Gothic was Fall of 2012.  I think it’s time to look at Hawthorne’s Gothic with a new critical lens, as so much has appeared in Gothic studies since then.  We look for essays between 6,500 and 7,500 words on diverse topics, such as Hawthorne and ecoGothic; Gender reevaluations and the Gothic; How Hawthorne’s stay in Europe changed his view of the Gothic (culminating in The Marble Faun); Gothic family patterns; Salem and the Gothic; Outsiders and Insiders in Hawthorne’s Gothic (including changing concepts of race, and of religion); Illness (physical and psychological) in Hawthorne’s Gothic characters; Hawthorne’s connection to other Gothic writers (e.g., Melville, Poe, Alcott); Hawthorne’s haunted houses and settings; Gothic curses (and punishment) in Hawthorne’s works; Poison and Hawthorne’s Gothic works; Dramatic Gothic deaths in Hawthorne’s New England novels; Social class and Gothic outcasts; Gothic items, goods, relics, artifacts in Hawthorne’s fiction; Hawthorne as a Gothic character or Hawthorne’s Gothic alienation in his Notebooks.

Abstracts of 250-350 words due by Oct. 31, 2023.  Final essays due by Feb. 12, 2024.  

Send abstracts to Dr. Monika Elbert, Editor, Nathaniel Hawthorne Review.  Inquiries welcome. 
