NeMLA 2024: Translating Caribbean Surpluses

deadline for submissions: 
September 30, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Amanda González Izquierdo / Northeast Modern Languages Association
contact email: 

Translation is always a site of surplus. What kinds of excess and possibilities arise when translating works about surplus – of people, languages, oppression? This session explores the many surpluses of and in translation of Caribbean literatures and cultural practices. How does translation contribute to surplus value or surplus meaning in Caribbean contexts?

This session invites abstracts that explore how translation can represent the surplus experiences of marginalized communities in the Caribbean and how these experiences can be translated in ways that challenge dominant discourses of belonging and exclusion. It also welcomes reflections on the surplus linguistic and cultural expressions that arise when translating, and how these surpluses can be used to reimagine the meaning and impact of the text in both the original and target languages.

This session is most interested in papers that engage with the following questions: How do translators deal with the emotional and affective surpluses that arise when translating texts that deal with trauma, violence, and/or oppression in the Caribbean? How do they negotiate the surplus of affective meaning that exceeds the limits of the target language or audience, and how do they use this surplus to create new forms of empathy, solidarity, and/or resistance in the Caribbean and beyond? How do translators manage the affective surplus of translating into languages and for audiences that have historically degraded Caribbean peoples, languages, and literatures?


Subit a proposal to this roundtable 20456: Translating Caribbean Surpluses


This roundtable has been accepted for inclusion at the 55th NeMLA Convention, to be hosted in Boston, MA, March 7-10, 2024.The conference theme is "Surplus"


Abstracts due by September 30!