The 3rd “Connections and Human Aspects of Urban Spaces” International Conference

deadline for submissions: 
September 15, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The FES Acatlán (UNAM) through its Research Program, the Humanities Division, the Humanities Program and the Hispanic Language and Literature and History Sections, have the honor to convene the 3rd "Connections and Human Aspects of Urban Space" International Conference.  It will take place on November the 14th and 15th  2023 online.

The city is a mainly cultural and human environment which concerns us in more specific ways than other spaces. In the context of urban space, many aspects of our civilization, our history and imagination take shape; we interact and develop as individuals; our trajectories and social links get mapped and materialized. Thus, the 3rd “Connections and Human Aspects of Urban Space” International Conference intends to give continuity to an interdisciplinary space where researchers whose work revolves around human and imaginary aspects of urban space can present their findings and be welcomed in an open discussion forum.

Although this will not be the exclusive theme of the congress, some emphasis will be placed on the discussion of contemporary European cities.

Research Strands

1.-The call is addressed to all those researchers (teaching and research staff and grad students in the process of completing their dissertation) both attached to the FES Acatlán and other institutions who are interested in getting in touch with researchers of their own and other disciplines in a critical and proactive dialogue. It includes, but is not limited to philologists, philosophers, linguists, historians, geographers, archaeologists, architects, urban planners, sociologists, political scientists and anthropologists. We welcome, among others, proposals that deal with the following issues:

a)     Connected History and Urban Space

b)     Urban Imaginaries

c)     Linguistics and the city

d)     Literature, cinema, music, art end the city

e)     Historical Archaeology

f)      Philosophy of the city

g)     Urban sustainability

h)     Urban identity

i)      Urban aesthetics

j)      City and technology

k)     Intersectionality (gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class) and urban spaces

l)      Gentrification

m)   Migration

n)     Borders

  • o)     Urban design

p)     Urban analysis

q)     The right to the city


2.- Proposals will be received in Spanish and English.

3.- Send proposal’s title, 350 word abstract, author’s name and institutional adscription.

4.- All proposals will be received via email at from July 1st and up to September the 15th.