Ray Bradbury: A Companion

deadline for submissions: 
December 31, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Kevin Wetmore / Peter Lang Publishers

Call for Essays: Ray Bradbury: A Companion

EXTENDED DEADLINE: December 31, 2023


Even eleven years after his death, Ray Bradbury remains one of the most celebrated and significant twentieth century cultural figures. He worked in a variety of modes, genres, media, and places.  His is a lasting legacy of science, fantasy, wonder, and an optimism for the future.

As part of Peter Lang’s “Companion” series, the proposed volume is a collection of essays on Ray Bradbury, his life, works and cultural impact.

The series: https://www.peterlang.com/series/gffc

We are looking for proposals for 25-30 essays of 2500-3000 words (all inclusive) for the volume.


Possible topics include (but are not limited to):


Individual analyses of specific novels, stories, and story collections

Biographical elements

Dark Carnival / Bradbury and Horror/ Bradbury and Lovecraft

Bradbury and Halloween

Bradbury and Carnivals

Bradbury and the World’s Fair

Bradbury’s poetry

Bradbury’s mentors (Leigh Brackett, Forrest J. Ackerman, etc.)

Bradbury's crime fiction

The cinema of Ray Bradbury (It Came from Outer Space, Moby Dick, etc.)

Adaptations of Bradbury in different media (film, radio, television, graphic novels, etc.)

Bradbury's involvement with Disney

Bradbury's involvement with the space program

Bradbury and Politics

Representations of Bradbury in popular culture

Bradbury’s nonfiction

Bradbury outside the United States

Receptions of Bradbury’s work

Theorizing Bradbury

Bradbury’s Influences

Bradbury’s influence

Bradbury’s legacy


Interested contributors should send a 250 word abstract and a brief 200 word bio to volume editor Kevin Wetmore at kwetmore@lmu.edu by December 31, 2023.

Those whose proposed essays are selected for the book will submit their first drafts by October 2024, pending positive reviews from the press’s peer reviewers.  Final essays will follow Peter Lang standard format and style.