Oceans, Seas and Shorelines volume of interdisciplinary essays for Routledge series

deadline for submissions: 
November 15, 2023
full name / name of organization: 
Vivienne Westbrook, University of Western Australia
contact email: 

Oceans, Seas and Shorelines: a natural and cultural environmental history

A volume of multi-disciplinary essays

(Under contract with Routledge)

Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 

15th November 2023

full name / name of organization: 

Mark Nicholls, St. John’s College, Cambridge

Vivienne Westbrook, University of Western Australia

contact email: 




Images of oceans discoloured with pollutants, seas cluttered with plastics, and shorelines strewn with distressed marine life, entangled in nets, covered in oil, diseased and dying, as a direct result of human activity are becoming all too familiar. As we become more aware of the destruction of nature, through repeated media alerts, the risk is that we become desensitised. There is an urgent need to find different ways of approaching these environments in crisis so that new strategies for change can emerge. 


This series approaches oceans, seas and shorelines in terms of the contributions that these natural environments have made to the evolution of human civilisations. It also draws attention to the impact that human civilisations throughout the world have had on these environments. 


Several volumes currently in process are the work of teams of academics, often researching together for the first time and from institutions across the world, to forge studies of the natural and cultural environmental history of oceans, seas and shorelines from within their disciplinary areas. 


To complement the series, we are issuing a volume of collected essays from across the disciplines. We invite academics to submit abstracts of no more than 500 words along with a short biography by 15th November 2023. Please send to viv.westbrook@uwa.edu.au and amn1000@cam.ac.uk


The submitted essays should be between 6000 and 8000 words in length. The deadline for submission of all articles is 15th April 2024. The text should be in 12pt Times New Roman using Chicago 17th B (author, date in-text referencing).