Evelyn Scott Society -- American Literature Association -- Deadline January 12, 2024
35th Annual American Literature Association Conference May 23-26, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois.
The Evelyn Scott Society invites abstracts of 1-2 pages on the American writer Evelyn Scott (1893-1963). Papers may focus on any of her works (novels, memoir, poetry, young adult literature), and they may take any contemporary critical approach. We are especially interested in papers that investigate the process of canonicity, the literary networks to which Scott belonged, or the role of disability in her career, but all topics will be considered. Scott participated in various and major literary currents during her writing life, including Imagism, naturalism and modernism, and she had a variety of literary mentors, including Lola Ridge, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, William Carlos Williams, Emma Goldman, and Jean Rhys, among others.
The range of her work within these currents was wide and included lyric poetry, modernist novels, an avant-garde memoir, historical fiction, and political fiction.
Please send an abstract and a curriculum vita to Caroline Maun at caroline.maun@wayne.edu
on or before January 12th, 2024.