Call for participants
Call for the Participants for an Academic association for African literary studies in India
This goes out in the public domain that if you are working or researching in India in either African literature or African diasporic literature including African American literature, this is the place for you. I want to club together academicians both teachers and Research scholars under one umbrella of this academic association. The aim of the proposed academic body will be to establish its own dedicated journal of African literature including African diasporic and African American literature in India. The association will also hold its annual conference in collaboration with Indian universities and will also organize talks and seminars along with other literary activities as decided by the office bearers time to time. If you work in the said area and are dedicated to work for the cause of promoting African Literature in India, feel free to send your expression of entrust in about 200 words including your designation, affiliation and research experience to the following email
before 30th November 2023.