(Im-)Politeness in Translation
The Lamar Journal of the Humanities will publish a special edition on im/politeness in translation. We seek papers that examine impoliteness and/or politeness research of works in translation of different genre and perspectives— literary, linguistics, historical, pedagogical, or scientific. Please submit completed papers and an author biography by December 15, 2023, to droblesgarci@lamar.edu.
The Lamar Journal of the Humanities is an interdisciplinary journal published twice yearly by the College of Arts and Sciences of Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. Papers of interdisciplinary or general interest in the fields of literature, linguistics, history, contemporary culture, and the fine arts are appropriate for submission. Languages accepted for this special issue are English and Spanish. Detailed studies of highly specialized topics, literary explications which do not elucidate broader historical or ideological issues, and statistical essays in the social sciences are not encouraged but will be considered. Manuscripts, normally not to exceed 6000 words and author biography, 200 words, and should conform to the MLA Handbook or the APA style.