Theorizing Cyborgs, Elves, and Vampires: Popular Genres in the Academy
The Comparative Literature Graduate Student Organization at Binghamton University invites proposals for papers discussing popular genres for our graduate conferencescheduled for April 12-13, 2024.
There has been a heightened academic interest in popular genres within the last decade. Scholars have approached these texts from a variety of lenses, and—with our graduate conference—we hope to make space for further research through various forms of critical engagement. In addition to welcoming essays regarding individual texts and specific genres, we are also interested in examining the state of popular genres in the academy, and especially encourage submissions engaged with non-Western texts and theory.
We welcome essays which focus on:
Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction
Horror Fiction
Thriller and Mystery
Young Adult Fiction
Graphic Novels
New Media Formats (TV, Video Games, Hypertext, Transmodal, etc.)
We seek essays which approach these genres primarily through one of the following academic approaches:
Queer Theory
Women and Gender Studies
Decolonial or Postcolonial Studies
Ecocritical Studies
Media and Materiality Studies
Analytic and Continental Philosophy
Marxist Thought
Or any other academic approach which opens meaningful inquiry into these genres.
Please send all inquiries and proposals (a title, 250-word abstract, and 100-word bio) to Sarah White at The deadline for proposals is February 9, 2024. Panels will be decided and participants informed by February 16, 2024.