Growth After the Trauma of Partition: A Critical Study
Growth after the Trauma of Partition: A Critical Study (Working Title)
- Dr. Sambit Panigrahi, Professor & Head, Deptt. of English, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
- Dr. Sanjoy K. Dutta, Asst. Prof. in English, Bhadrak (Auto.) College, Bhadrak
- Dr. Gopinath Khutia, Asst. Prof.(TE) in English, Bhadrak (Auto.) College, Bhadrak
Concept Note:
The woes of the Partition of 1947 are represented in bulks of South Asian Literature. But the trajectory of almost all the critical responses to the Partition revolved around the orbits of trauma, violence, body politics, and other contours of nationalism, historiography, memory, cinematic representation, narrative techniques, etc. The present volume veers away from the mentioned tropes, and by using Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun’s concept of “Post Traumatic Growth” (PTG) as a frame of reference seeks to concentrate on the positive psychological changes and personal growth following the trauma of Partition.
“Post Traumatic Growth” (PTG) refers to the positive transformation or turning point in the aftermath of a dire event. “PTG is the positive psychological change that comes about as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances. PTG goes beyond recovery to something more positive emerging from the negative experience” (Akhtar 30). PTG gives an experience of “improved functioning”, and becomes instrumental in offering a life of “higher well-being” and “deeper meaning”.
In the context of partition fiction, the concept of post-traumatic growth functions as a springboard to such positive transformations of the novelistic personae – a better and higher appreciation for life, rehabilitated personal strength, rejuvenated relationships, and a deeper sense of purpose, after traversing through hard times.
To illustrate, Train to Pakistan albeit primarily a novel on the tragedy and trauma of the Partition, exhibits instances of post-traumatic growth through characters like Juggut Singh who manifest outstanding resilience in withstanding the challenges. The characters find strength and develop human perspectives as they navigate the trials accelerated by the traumatic event. Again, Ice-Candy Man not only accentuates the appalling consequences of the partition but also showcases the orientation towards post-traumatic growth. Characters blossom, form new human connections, discover empathy, question their divisive beliefs, and find ways to heal. This exemplifies the real-life concept of post-traumatic growth, where individuals can emerge from calamity with newfound resilience, empathy, and personal development.
An important facet of Partition literature is memorializing the pain and resilience that contribute to the process of overcoming trauma through the act of remembrance. For example, texts like Bhisham Sahni’s “Tamas”, and Sidhwa’s Ice-Candy Man navigate the delicate terrain of the memory of their protagonists. Through a mosaic of memories, they transform characters' journeys into vessels of resilience. They encapsulate the power of memory to both wound and heal, providing a unique angle on the complexities of overcoming partition trauma. As a result, partition narratives emerge as powerful tools for reclaiming agency, fostering empathy, and navigating the labyrinth of memory.
Significantly, post-traumatic growth does not develop by repealing the horrible reality of the Partition. Rather, it acknowledges the potential for positive change to emerge from the horrifying reality. Exploration of the themes of resilience, identity, relationships, personal growth, and societal transformation offers a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted impact of traumatic events on individuals and communities.
Thrust areas include but are not limited to:
Personal Narratives/Memoir
Narratives of Healing/Therapeutic narratives
Re-structuring/Re-discovery of Identity
Building/Rebuilding Connections
Resilience and Recuperation
Cultural and Emotional Metamorphosis
Promotion of peace, reconciliation, and social justice
Preservation of cultural memory
Historical documentation
Commemoration and memorialization
Cross-Border initiatives
Awareness through education
Important Dates:
Last date for sending the full paper: 31st December 2023
Confirmation of acceptance will be communicated by: 15th January 2024
Publication of Book: 1st Quarter of 2024(Tentative)
Akhtar, Miriam. #What Is Post-Traumatic Growth?: The Journey from Adversity to Growth. Watkins, 2017.
Farber, Sharon Klayman. Celebrating the Wounded Healer Psychotherapist: Pain, Post-Traumatic Growth and Self-Disclosure. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Schiraldi, Glenn R. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook. McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.
Original and unpublished research articles (3000 to 5000 including Endnotes and Works Cited sections) are invited from faculty, research scholars, independent scholars & students.
Authors are to strictly adhere to the following points during submission:
1.. The title of the paper should be in sentence case and centre aligned.
2.. Times New Roman font size 12 should be used.
3. The MLA Handbook (Latest Edition) should be followed for references and citations.
4. Please do not use footnotes. Use End Notes instead.
5. Each article must be accompanied by:
i. A signed declaration that it is an original work and has not been published elsewhere or is under consideration for publication.
ii. An abstract of the paper in no more than 300 words, along with 5 keywords.
iii. A short biographical note about the contributor/s indicating name, institutional affiliation, brief career history, postal address, contact address (both personal and office), and e-mail ID as a single attachment.
Mode of Submission:
Authors are requested to send their complete papers to the email: with the subject line “Submission – Post Traumatic Growth”. All communications are to be made through this email.
*** The deadline for the complete paper is 31st December 2023.
Selection Procedure:
The final selection of the papers will be made by the editors. The selection of articles will be informed through e-mail. Please note that only the notification of acceptance will be sent. The editors reserve the right to make editing changes in the articles selected for publication for the sake of conceptual clarity and formatting if needed.
International/national publishers of repute.
Publication Fees (After Selection of Papers):
Rs. 1500/-(For Faculty)
Rs. 1000/- (For Research Scholars, Students)
- Each author shall receive one free print copy of the published book.