The Janovics Center Award for Outstanding Humanities Research in Transnational Film and Theatre Studies

deadline for submissions: 
February 9, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
The Janovics Center for Screen and Performing Arts Studies

Call for Submissions

The Janovics Center Award for Outstanding Humanities Research in Transnational Film and Theatre Studies

The Janovics Center for Screen and Performing Arts Studies and the Faculty of Theatre and Film at Babes-Bolyai University invite submissions for their annual award for outstanding humanities research in transnational film and theatre studies. The award will be offered to contributions in the fields of film or theatre studies. The award consists of an invitation to give a talk at the Center and an honorarium.

What is awarded?

The Janovics Center is committed to supporting highly original research in screen and performing arts studies. Awarded are research articles, monographs, or edited collections published in 2023.1 They are expected to advance transnational research in the fields of film or theatre studies and employ a methodology that is specific to the humanities. Interdisciplinary approaches are very welcome.


Publications must be written in English. Monographs and edited collections must be published with an internationally recognized press by the Romanian Ministry of Research. See list! Articles are expected to be at least 6000-word long and indexed in one of the following databases: Scopus or Web of Science.


The Center offers two awards. One for a monograph or an edited collection -- Invitation and a Euro 500 honorarium; and one for a research article -- invitation and a Euro 300 honorarium.2 Previous awardees include: Agnieszka Rasmus, Hollywood Remakes of Iconic British Films: Class, Gender and Stardom (Edinburgh University Press), Rachel S. Harris and Dan Chyutin, Casting a Giant Shadow: The Transnational Shaping of Israeli Cinema (Indiana University Press);

Majeed Mohammed Midhin & David Clare “National Cultural history and Transnational Political Concerns in Rasha Fadhil’s ‘Ishtar in Baghdad’,” and Andrew Higson, "The Resilience of Popular National Cinemas in Europe."


Who can participate?

Submissions from both emerging and experienced scholars are welcome. Authors must hold a PhD and be employed by a European university. The submitted publication cannot have more than two authors. In the case of two authors, at least one must fulfill the employment conditions mentioned above and the award will be split.


Deadline and Evaluation Process

The deadline for submissions is February 9, 2024. Results will be made public by March 23, 2024 on the Center’s Website. The award ceremony and talks will take place in May 2024. The Jury will include members of the Center and scholars in the fields of film and theatre studies.


How to submit your work?

We encourage electronic submissions in PDF or EPUB format. Electronic submissions should be sent to both Constantin Parvulescu and Miruna Runcan and should be accompanied by a cover letter (200-300 word). If not available in electronic format, hard copies and the cover letter should be mailed to the address below before the deadline.


Janovics Center for Screen and Performing Arts Studies

Faculty of Theatre and Film

Babes-Bolyai University

Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu nr. 4

400084, Cluj-Napoca, România.

Send queries to Constantin Parvulescu (film) and Miruna Runcan (theatre)


We look forward to reading and awarding your work!