The 2024 Conference CFP for the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE) is now OPEN. Please use the Online Submission Form on the ACCUTE website to submit your proposal. DEADLINE EXTENDED: December 1, 2023: submit via online form with the password LateSub2024
Organizers: Ben Berman Ghan, University of Calgary,; Margaryta Golovchenko, University of Oregon,
In the age of the anthropocene as literature turns towards sustainable futures, what consideration must we give to narratives of non-human survival? FIlms and fictions show animals moving through increasingly human worlds, from Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr Fox places the critters of the forest in the concrete bowels of the city, to the Parrot’s of Ted Chaing’s The Great Silence mourning for the destruction of their species and a habitat that can no longer be found, we have seen an increasing need to address the animal within the call for sustainable futures. This panel seeks considerations of non-human diasporas within visual and literary media. In a sustainable future, where do the animals of our present go? What altered ecosystems for survival does our literature ponder not only for the human, but for the thousands of species caught in the wake of our environmental impact on the planet?