Post-Magical Realism in / through Translation and Adaptation
Joint CCLA-ACCUTE roundtable at the Humanities and Social Sciences Congress 2024, McGill University, June 12-15, 2024
Organizers: Sanjukta Banerjee, York University, Glendon College,; Jill Planche, Brock University & Toronto Metropolitan University, Chang School,
This roundtable seeks to explore the relationship of magical realism with translation and adaptation, two practices that have been constitutive of transregional and transnational circulations of magical realism and its enduring relevance to comparative studies of cultures. Keeping in mind the specificity of magical realism’s emergence in Latin America and its genealogical connections while shifting attention away from a reductive understanding of origin, we want to engage in conversations around readings of magical realism in translation, with attention to overlaps and variations. We approach both translation and adaptation as forms of rewriting with shared interests, even if with distinct conceptual relations to ideas of source: translation as “a cultural condition underlying communication” rather than a short-term process (Gentzler 2007, 17); adaptation as an “extended intertextual engagement with the adapted work” (Hutcheon 2013, 8-9). Both practices accommodate recognition and change. In addition, we want to draw attention to the criticism of the “notion of easy familiarity and translatability” (Bielsa 2014, 161) associated with the international circulation of Latin American literatures, which warrants attention in both translation and adaptation studies especially in light of the new media. We welcome proposals relevant to the topic of this panel from a range of theoretical and practical perspectives, including:
- Intertextuality
- (In)visibility
- Modes and patterns of production, reception, theorization
- Multilinguality
- Socio-ecological entanglements
- New media
- Popular culture
- Postcoloniality
- Representation, meaning-making, and ethics
- Transmedial practices
- Adaptation as a mode of engagement
- As story-telling imagination and invention
Please submit your proposal by DEC 1, 2023 using the Online Submission Form on the ACCUTE website ( and the password LateSub2024