MA Thesis /PhD Dissertation on Collaborative Translation Award
To promote excellence in Collaborative T&I research, the “International Center for Research on Collaborative Translation” rewards MA theses and PhD dissertations in English, French and Italian that make a significant professional/practical or academic contribution to the field of Collaborative Translation.
The call is open to any student from any country.
The winner will receive an honorarium of € 300 and a “Merit Diploma”. The Awards Ceremony to announce the winner will be celebrated in spring 2024 (the date of the Ceremony will be communicated).
The “Center” Steering Committee will appoint the Award Evaluation Committee, which will consist of 2 Commissioners in addition to the Center Director. The final decision is made by the Evaluation Committee. All the decisions of the Evaluating Committee are final. The evaluation is based on the writing and research skills, alongside the overall quality of the topic, demonstrated in the thesis/dissertation. Thesis will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• degree of innovation in the proposed methodology or technology;
• potential for application in real-world situations;
• potential impact on theory and practice
• potential impact on a global scale.
The deadline for the submission is January 30, 2024. The MA Thesis /PhD Dissertation must be sent to in a single PDF file (maximum file size 50 MB).
Any dissertation/thesis in the area of collaborative translation/interpretation and related fields will be eligible for entry. All eligible theses/dissertations should have been assessed and classified by the university of origin up to 15 months before the date of submission of the abstract to the jury and never have been a candidate to this same award.
The theses/dissertations, at the time of application, must be accompanied either by a statement from the supervisor of the applicant, jury or other body of the university of origin, indicating the date of completion and/or assessment.
If you should have any questions, please send an email to
You can read the call for papers here: