Call for Papers: Journal of Environmental Media 6.2
Call for Papers: Journal of Environmental Media 6.2
Special Issue: ‘Care-ful convening: towards low carbon and inclusive knowledge sharing’
View the full call here>>
The consequences of human-induced climate change, the extinction of flora and fauna, pollution, environmental predation, and injustices are causing a spectrum of constraints, shrinkage, alteration and loss (Murphy, 2017; Elliott, 2018; Dokumaci, 2023). In response, people are figuring out how to think, communicate and act differently to account for damages done by systems whose human, more-than-human, and planetary harms are fueled by petrocultures (Chapman and Ahmed 2021; Gomez-Barris 2018; Táíwò 2022). Carbon-concerned researchers, professionals, and citizens are advancing necessary shifts, including designing and implementing alternative communication and gathering forms. Our call invites scholars across disciplines to explore the articulation between media and new forms of collaborative and non-extractive ways of knowledge exchange and communication.
Alternative histories of digital networks and convenings invite us to radically recenter community, care and human needs and aspirations rather than capital accumulation, hyper-mobility, and efficiency. In addition to making arguments for what is needed and why, we are eager to illuminate what is being done and how. This callout seeks cracks and opportunities: what does care-ful convening look like considering the entanglement between platforms and the global supply chains, extractive industries and capitalist geopolitics that have led to climate breakdown?
How, to what extent and for whom do these digital technologies change knowledge sharing? We seek contributions, taking an intersectional perspective, which showcases creative possibilities of care-ful convening without romanticizing the constraint or the ability to thrive amidst institutional scarcity and political violence. This special issue will bring to the foreground questions about ethics and methodologies, such as: What technical, organizational, and communicative approaches will be restorative for living beings and the planet? Who needs to be in conversation with whom, and by what media? What types of new media platforms and offline programs will challenge uneven and oppressive power dynamics that contribute to environmental harm? How do we know when something ‘works’? And more broadly, how does care-ful convening probe taken-for-granted assumptions about the “contours of ‘media’” (Brodie et al. 2023) and open out to new possibilities?
Form and Format
We welcome diverse submissions from across disciplines and invite contributions to one of the three categories below. Authors are welcome to submit to multiple categories. We encourage collaborative submissions, particularly those that cross academic boundaries, institutional borders, and geographic locations. We are eager to accept pieces that: bring together the past, present, and future; hold complex tensions; showcase alternative value systems to challenge dominant modes of relating steeped in racism, patriarchy, capitalism, extractivism, and colonialism; provoke new ways of engaging with carbon, inclusivity, and knowledge exchange; and that that inspire reflectivity, justice-driven advocacy, and care. Black and white images of any kind are welcome, including photographs, sketches and drawings, graphs and charts.
If you are considering submitting an abstract, please read the full version of the Call for Proposals here.
Analyse – Articles (5000–7000 words)
These are research articles and/or critically reflective essays. We are open to articles written in traditional disciplinary writing styles as well as non-traditional formats and writing styles, including first-person prose and creative essays.
Submit to the Analyse section:
Please send us an abstract of up to 250 words and three keywords no later than 15 January 2024, via this submission form. Authors will be notified of the editorial team’s selections in February. Full drafts are due 1 July 2024 for peer review. Please review the Journal of Environmental Media’s submission guidelines and submit via this form:
Actualize – Fieldnotes (500–1500)
To examine and explore what is being done and how, these entries share documentation and reflections from media encounters that exemplify convening in more care-ful, equitable and environmentally conscious ways. Key takeaways from these experiences can be shared as instructions for alternative convenings, lessons learned, undergirding concepts, etc. Have you been to a gathering that inspired you, made you think differently and deserves some critical thought and attention? During the course of your research, have you had a convening of technology and people that surprised you, rearranged your thinking and opened up a new way to make and disseminate knowledge? We invite memories and reflections, sketches, field notes, portraits of software and diary entries.
Fantasize – Speculative Proposals (500–1500)
We welcome visions of future convenings and forms of convening. This can be grounded in something you’d like to implement right here, right now on earth or can suggest a speculative convening that takes place in a fantastical imaginary realm.
Submit to the Actualize or Fantasize section:
Please send the complete submission by 15 May 2024. Submit via this form:
Publication of Issue 6.2: October 2025
Guest editors:
Antoine Hardy (Centre Emile-Durkheim)
Shirley Roburn (York University)
Kate Elliott (Simon Fraser University)
Alexandra Lakind (American Council of Learned Societies)
Elizabeth Miller (Concordia University)