Call for Papers: 13th International Conference on Language and Literary Studies

deadline for submissions: 
March 1, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Faculty of Foreign Languages Alfa BK University

Faculty of Foreign Languages is pleased to announce that its 13th International Conference on Language and Literary Studies will be held on 24 and 25 May 2024. The topic for this edition of our annual conference is


Dialogue studies is a comparatively recent addition to humanities, to which this conference aims to contribute by exploring the multifarious aspects of dialogue as interaction and a concept, especially as regards its particular relevance to language/literary studies and related disciplines. Dialogue arguably stands at the very centre of any communication, offering the possibility to exchange knowledge and strengthen relationships. It is indispensable to interpreting and translation, classroom interaction, mass and social media activities and networks, as well as dramatic arts, theatre, cinema and television. All language and literature are (following Bakhtin) essentially dialogic in that they involve interactive participation of numerous actors and voices. On the other hand, both language and literature enter into dialogue with other disciplines and fields of study, thereby creating space for interdisciplinary approaches and research methods. Bearing this in mind, the basic questions we would like to address refer, on the one hand, to the theoretical positioning and analysis of dialogue within works of literature and art, linguistic and cultural texts, and on the other hand to dialogic connections between language/literary studies and other disciplines within (and/or beyond) humanities and social sciences. To this effect, we invite contributions inspired by but not limited to the following topics and areas of research:

-     Dialogic imagination in literary texts and literary translation

-     Dialogue in literature, drama, performance, art

-     Dialogue in translation and interpreting studies

-     Dialogue between literary studies and other disciplines

-     Dialogue between cultural studies and other disciplines

-     Dialogue between language studies and other disciplines

-     Dialogue in communication and media studies

-     Dialogue approach to education, teaching, and learning

-     Dialogue in social life and social studies

-     Other (you can specify a topic for a panel session with at least three presenters)


Conference sessions will be held both onsite, at Alfa BK University (Bulevar Maršala Tolbuhina 8, Belgrade), and online, via Google Meet. Conference fee is 50 euros. Payment instructions will be forwarded following the acceptance of your presentation proposal.

Proposals for presentation (up to 15 minutes) can be submitted via the following link: Language, Literature, and Dialogue / Jezik, književnost i dijalog - Google Forms and will be accepted until 1 March 2024. Proposals should contain 200 to 300 words. You will receive notification of acceptance within two weeks of your submission. For any enquiries, please contact us at