Kay Boyle Society: Call for Papers: American Literature Associa9on Conference (May 23-26, 2024)
The Kay Boyle Society (https://kbs.hypotheses.org/) invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 2024 American Literature Association in Chicago, IL, 23-26 May 2024.
The Kay Boyle Society invites proposals for papers examining any aspect of Kay Boyle’s life and work that provide fresh insights.
Since the creation of the Kay Boyle Society in 2006, past panel sessions at the ALA have focused on a number of topics related to Boyle’s momentous life and prolific writing from the early 20s to the early 70s, including her connection with early transatlantic surrealism; poetic experiments in the interwar; impact as a teacher of creative writing; close relationships with other modernist writers such as Malcolm Cowley, Evelyn Scott, and Katherine Ann Porter; political and aesthetic activism during the San Francisco State College strike in the late 60s; and links to modernist magazines and editors such as Ernest Walsh, Eugene Jolas or James Laughlin.
Themes for submission to this special issue include, but are not limited to Boyle’s later poetry and short fiction; her involvement with American and British magazines after WWII; and concerns for literary as political tool, ethnicity and race, and representation.
We welcome papers that illuminate these topics, and will form the basis of a new essay collection.
Send 250-word abstract for a twenty-minute presentation to Anne Reynes-Delobel at anne.reynes@univ-amu.fr by January 12, 2024.
The American Literature Association’s 35th annual conference will meet at the Palmer House Hilton May 23-26, 2024 (Thursday through Sunday of Memorial Day weekend).
For further information, please consult the ALA website at www.americanliteratureassociation.org