Film-Philosophy Conference 2024

deadline for submissions: 
February 28, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Film-Philosophy / FEST Film Festival
contact email: 

15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference

Espinho, Portugal

1-3 July 2024 (with welcome event on 30 June 2024)

In person


Catherine Constable (University of Warwick) - ‘The Sublime and Contemporary Science Fiction Film’

João Mário Grilo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - 'The description of film direction as a philosophical operation: the case of Mizoguchi’s gendai-geki'

Homay King (Bryn Mawr College) - 'Enigma, Opacity: Race, Psychoanalysis, and the Image according to Laplanche and Glissant'


The call for this conference is open, in that there is no expected single theme or set of themes, although we shall certainly encourage speakers to propose papers on topics that push at the boundaries of film-philosophy, be that by looking at non-western films and/or film thinkers, or that are engaged in 'decolonial' film-philosophical work in some respect. And of course we welcome speakers from non-western (or, if you prefer, non-northern) backgrounds.


Scholars, both established and emerging, are invited to submit proposals for the conference. These will generally take the form of individual papers – but we are open to video-essays and panel proposals, as well as proposals for workshops and roundtables with multiple speakers. Please contact the conference organisers before submitting panel or roundtable/workshop proposals.  

Proposals (including titles and abstracts) of up to 500 words should be submitted to . The deadline for the proposals is 28 February 2024, with accepted speakers being notified by the end of March 2024.

Proposals will be blind peer-reviewed and so there is no need at present to submit a biography (although a name and contact details are necessary). Biographies will only be requested upon acceptance into the conference.

Please direct all enquiries regarding the conference to Will Brown at:  placing FP Conference 2024 in the subject line.

For further announcements, please see:


The conference fee will be set in the next few weeks, and will be included in forthcoming announcements about the conference. The conference does not provide funding for those presenting accepted papers to attend.


This year’s Film-Philosophy Conference is held primarily in partnership with the FEST Film Festival, which will be running just ahead of the Film-Philosophy Conference, from 24 June to 1 July, 2024. Delegates may want to consider attending both events. The festival's website is here: .


Espinho is a beautiful seaside town just south of Porto, which is home to the nearest airport. In Antonio Tabucchi's Pereira Maintains, the narrator describes Espinho as "a classy beach with a swimming-pool and casino, I often used to have a swim there and then a game of billiards, there was a first-rate billiard room, and that’s where I and my fiancée whom I later married used to go… that was a wonderful time in my life, and maybe I dream about it because it gives me pleasure to dream about it." We can't guarantee billiards, but the beach, swimming pool and, for those interested in such things, the casino will all be there.


The conference will be held in English.


University of British Columbia
FEST Film Festival, Espinho
Universidade de Coimbra


2023: Chapman University, USA
2022: Middlesex University, UK (online)
2021: East Tennessee State University, USA (online)
2019: University of Brighton, UK
2018: University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2017: Lancaster University, UK
2016: University of Edinburgh, UK
2015: University of Oxford, UK
2014: University of Glasgow, UK
2013: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
2012: Kings College, London, Kingston University, Queen Mary University of London, UK
2011: Liverpool John Moores University, UK
2010: University of Warwick, UK
2009: University of Dundee, UK