Call for Papers: ‘Trans-disciplinarity in Disability, Art and Design’

deadline for submissions: 
February 2, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Journal of Arts & Communities
contact email: 

Call for Papers and Artistic Contributions: Journal of Arts and Communities


Special Issue: ‘Trans-disciplinarity in Disability, Art and Design’


View the full call here>>


This special issue of the Journal of Arts and Communities (JAAC) invites scholarly and artistic contributions on the theme of ‘Trans-disciplinarity in Disability, Art & Design’, which will be published in late 2024. Readers will engage with rich content from a diverse range of scholars within the expanded fields of disability, art, and design, from a trans-disciplinary perspective. What does the cross-pollination of disability, art, and design look, sound, and feel like from within and across the disciplines of art history, visual culture, museum and curatorial studies, architecture, design, the health humanities, film and theatre, and the creative industries at large? What are some of the noteworthy trends and evolutions in the field that highlight critical issues of the present, which will likely become most impactful in the future? How does trans-disciplinarity impact creative collaboration between disabled artists and people in a range of communities? This issue also attempts to tackle the conventional definition of ‘transdisciplinarity’, which typically straddles a basic typology between theory and praxis, and where practitioners (such as artists) are acknowledged as valid and critical producers of knowledge on par with academics and intellectuals. Drawing from the work of French scholar, Cyrille Rigolot, this issue will argue for a more complex definition of ‘transdisciplinary’. As Rigolot states, ‘when transdisciplinary is considered as a way of being, it is inseparable from personal life and extends far beyond the professional activities of a researcher.’1 Rigolot’s construction of trandisciplinarity resonates and aligns with one of the foundational tenets of disability studies itself and the social model, which is that disability is a way of being that offers generative creative tensions for ableist society to consider. The authors in this special issue will grapple with more complex philosophical and practical applications of transdisciplinarity, and how these new constructions might be felt across an ever-expanding ecology of disability arts, design, culture and community. 


Article contributions will be 4000 words in length.


Artistic contributions can include (but are not limited to): 

•visual art, 

•video art and digital work (inclusive of AI, video conferencing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, email art, or social media art), 

•creative writing, 

•installation art, 

•graphic design (and all forms of design broadly-conceived), 

•architectural plans, 

•musical scores, 

•slide shows, 

•captions, CART, or audio descriptions, 

•and other forms of multimedia.

For full consideration by the special issue guest editor, Amanda Cachia, please submit an extended 1000-word abstract along with a one-page list of Works Cited for articles, and either the finished version or the work-in-progress with a brief one-page description for artistic contributions to by Friday 2 February 2024.