Representations of magazine offices and magazine editors on screen

deadline for submissions: 
January 15, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
University of Sydney

This is a call for pitches to write a chapter for an edited collection tentatively entiled: Devilish, Delightful or Divas? Magazines and Magazine Editors on Screen edited by Rebecca Johinke, University of Sydney, Australia.


Routledge are interested in the project but I need several more chapters before I can finalise the book proposal. I'd like to do that by the end of January, if possible.

I already have a strong group of prominent scholars who have committed to writing chapters but there are gaps.

If you have an interest in magazine studies, gender and cultural studies, feminist media studies and/or television studies then please get in touch and I will send you more information.

I'm particularly interested in chapters looking at shows like: Ugly Betty, Central Park West, Single Life and Just Shoot Me or on the film The Devil Wears Prada (or filmic representaions of Anna Wintour, in general) but please get in touch if you would like to pitch a different idea (especially about the representation of queer or trans characters).

The collection is focused on how female magazine journalists and magazine editors (magazine offices) are constructed on the screen (especially television) and how lifestyle journalists are represented in relation to 'hard' news journalists or 'girl reporters'.



Rebecca Johinke

Chair, English and Writing Studies

University of Sydney