Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities
Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities Concordia University, Montreal. May 3–5, 2024Deadline: February 15, 2024
“May you live in interesting times!”
Apocryphal Chinese Curse
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Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities Concordia University, Montreal. May 3–5, 2024Deadline: February 15, 2024
“May you live in interesting times!”
Apocryphal Chinese Curse
Chapter proposals are invited for an edited volume tentatively titled Going Home Again: Revisiting American Literature of Suburbia. We are aiming for a balance of revisionary views of “classic” suburban literature of the post-war decades informed by current critical approaches; explorations of how 21st century American literature has represented and revised ideas about suburbia; and arguments looking comparatively at both. We hope that putting newer and older works of American suburban literature in dialogue may suggest ways in which the genre and its history can be redefined.
Our Glocal Shakespeare: Intercultural Encounters With The Bard
Conference co-hosted by “Turkish Shakespeares Project” and Istanbul Bilgi University English Language and Literature Department
19-20 April 2024
Venue: Santral Campus, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Contact: Murat Öğütcü ( and İnci Bilgin Tekin (
Deadline for abstracts and bios: 20.02.2024
Teaching Alcott’s Writings/ Teaching in Alcott’s Writings (Deadline Extended)
ALA 2024/ Chicago
Editors: Sara Crosby, Carter Soles, and Ashley Kniss
American Futurisms
SANAS Biennial Conference 2024
Swiss Association for North American Studies
University of Geneva, November 7-8, 2024
Conference Director: Prof. Deborah Madsen
Assisted by: Ms. Caroline Martin, Ms. Aïcha Bouchelaghem
Call for Papers
Studies by scholars including Greg Lambert, William Egginton, Omar Calabrese, David Castillo, Helen Hills, Monika Kaup and Lois Parkinson Zamora indicate that the Baroque is more than merely a period in art of and around the 17th century that derives its name from an irregular and odd-shaped pearl and refers to something strange, bizarre, irregular and disproportionate, hence, imperfect. Neobaroque stems from the baroque tradition and accommodates the baroque as a historical period with its complexity and proliferation. It is appropriate for the instances of reproduction and/or transformation of the ideas and the strategies of the Baroque in contemporary culture.
Call for papers
International conference:
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, 7-8 November 2024
Imagining Italy: Space, Gender and Discourse in Women’s Writing 1789-1914
L’Italie sous la plume des femmes : espace, genre, discours 1789-1914
Antonella Braida (IDEA), Claire McKeown (IDEA), Kerstin Wiedemann (CERCLE)
Inaugural Issue of Creativitas - Critical Explorations in Literary Studies (A Double-blind Peer-reviewed Journal of English Studies).
[We are in the midst of registering the journal under ISSN. However, as per guidelines, an issue has to be published prior to acquiring an ISSN. So, the inaugural issue will be published without an ISSN.]
The Review of English and American Literature
Call for Papers
Cinema in contemporary India has been evolving in multifarious ways, technological innovations and the multiplicity of digital platforms significantly altering the experience of film production and reception. Apart from the mainstream Hindi cinema that enjoyed a national viewership till recent times, regional films have also emerged as popular forms of entertainment across the nation. Popular Indian cinema is being redefined and in this new environment, regional content is appreciated, new genres are welcomed, and a new viewing experience is well appreciated. Film production methods have also changed radically, with independent films gaining in popularity especially among the urban audience.