Our Glocal Shakespeare: Intercultural Encounters With The Bard (Conference, İstanbul Bilgi University, 19-20 April 2024)

deadline for submissions: 
February 20, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Turkish Shakespeares and İstanbul Bilgi Univeristy
contact email: 

Our Glocal Shakespeare: Intercultural Encounters With The Bard


Conference co-hosted by “Turkish Shakespeares Project” and Istanbul Bilgi University English Language and Literature Department  

19-20 April 2024 

Venue: Santral Campus, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye 

Contact: Murat Öğütcü (murat_ogutcu@yahoo.com) and İnci Bilgin Tekin (inci.bilgin@bilgi.edu.tr

Deadline for abstracts and bios: 20.02.2024 


As Graham Holderness addresses in The Shakespeare Myth, “Shakespeare is, here, now, always, what is currently being made of him” or borrowing Gary Taylor’s term, “Shakesperotics”, which broadly refers to the body of studies “embracing everything that a society does in the name- variously spelled-of Shakespeare.” (1989, 6), the contemporary academic dialogue with Shakespeare inevitably addresses the context of “plural Shakespeares”, as Terence Hawkes had introduced to Shakespeare scholarship.   

The more we bring our local contexts into our receptions of Shakespeare, the more we reinforce his globally canonical status.  On the other hand, it is the global Shakespeare which enables any potential of such local transfers.  

Given the exciting context of the 460th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth in April 2024, we gladly invite national and international academics to share our enthusiasm. Panel (1-hour panels) and individual proposals (20-minute presentations) including but not limited to the following subjects, are highly encouraged:  


-Iconic Shakespeare 

-Screening Shakespeare  

-Staging Shakespeare 

-Engendering Shakespeare 

-(Post)colonial Shakespeares 

-Global Shakespeares

-Indigenizing Shakespeare (Translations, adaptations, tradaptations, and other forms of rewriting)  

-Shakespeare and Digital Humanities

-Shakespeare and New Media 

-Teaching Shakespeare 

Please send a 250-word abstract, a short bio, and your recent CV to both Murat Öğütcü (murat_ogutcu@yahoo.com) and İnci Bilgin Tekin (inci.bilgin@bilgi.edu.tr) before the 20th of February 2024. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries. We are looking forward to receiving your proposals. 

Participation in the conference will be free of charge. We will share nearby accommodation options under suitable conditions soon.

The Organizers 

Murat Öğütcü (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the English Language and Literature Department at Adıyaman University, Türkiye. He received his PhD degree from the Department of English Language and Literature at Hacettepe University, Türkiye, in 2016. From August 2012 to January 2013, he was a visiting scholar at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the General Editor of the “Turkish Shakespeares” Project which aims to introduce texts, productions and research on Turkish Shakespeares to a broader international audience of students, teachers, and researchers. He is also a researcher at the AHRC-funded “Medieval and Early Modern Orients” project which aims to contribute to our understanding of the medieval and early modern encounters between England and the Islamic Worlds. He is among the regional editors of the Global Shakespeares Project and the World Shakespeare Bibliography. He is co-editor of Materializing the East in Early Modern English Drama (Bloomsbury, 2023). He has written book chapters and articles on his research interests, including early modern studies, Shakespeare, and cultural studies. 

İnci Bilgin Tekin (PhD) is an Associate Professor at İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of English Language and Literature. Bilgin Tekin’s research interest in Shakespeare was triggered during her PostDoc study on “Shakespeare and Adaptation Studies” at the Center for Adaptations, De Montfort University in the UK (2013-2014). While she was an Assistant Professor at Boğaziçi University, she got affiliated with the University of Leicester, School of English as a visiting fellow, for her BAP Project titled “Rewriting Shakespeare in Contemporary Intercultural Context”. She has taught “Contemporary Rewrites of Shakespearean Tragedies” for almost ten years at Boğaziçi University and she is now teaching “Contemporary Approaches to Shakespeare” at İstanbul Bilgi University, which she joined in 2020. She is the writer of Female Othellos (Peter Lang, 2018), as well as several articles on Shakespeare in Türkiye and intercultural rewrites of Shakespeare.  Also affiliated with “Turkish Shakespeares Project” as one of its researchers, İnci Bilgin Tekin continues her studies on Shakespeare.