The Review of English and American Literature

deadline for submissions: 
June 30, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
The English and American Literature Association (EALA), Taiwan
contact email: 

The Review of English and American Literature


Call for Papers



The Review of English and American Literature (REAL) is an academic journal published by the English and American Literature Association (EALA). It is ranked among the first-tier humanities journals. It is also included in the Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI)—an index of a select group of journals judged by the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (affiliated to MOST) to represent high-quality academic journals published in Taiwan. REAL accepts manuscripts written in either Chinese or English, effective since 2019 (Vol. 34). Research essays, book reviews as well as interviews regarding English and American literature are welcome.


* Please submit the manuscript online at, or email it to


*  The manuscript should be in Word format and well paged, include a Chinese and an English title, a Chinese abstract (350 to 400 words), an English abstract (200 to 250 words) as well as Chinese and English keywords (3 to 5 items). A cover letter should be attached, stating the author’s Chinese and English name, name and the address of his or her affiliation, as well as the corresponding contact information, address, email, and phone/ fax number.


* A submission in Chinese should be no more than 20,000 words. A submission in English should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words (including Works Cited and footnotes). The paper should follow the 8th edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.


*  All submitted papers will go through double-blind review process. There must be no indication of personal identity or other related information. If the paper contains any copyrighted material (such as photos or pictures), the author is solely responsible for obtaining written permission for the material.


*  The same manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal; papers having been published elsewhere shall not be submitted. A paper which has been published previously in another language will not be accepted even if it is translated into Chinese. REAL will consider submissions containing material that has formed part of an unpublished PhD or other academic thesis, but the author should check relevant policies regarding graduation requirements or applications for promotion and MOST grants.


* Violations of the journal policies listed above and any contraventions of academic integrity will result in either rejections or restrictions of future publication with the REAL.


*  The author will not receive payment for a published paper. Two copies of the issue in which the paper appears will be provided to the author upon publication. Papers published in the REAL will be included in digital databases constructed by companies in collaboration with EALA. These databases are for academic purposes only.