CFP: Special Issue on Literature and AI, vol. 6 (1)

deadline for submissions: 
March 30, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
International Review of Literary Studies
contact email: 

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Literature and Artificial Intelligence

International Review of Literary Studies

Deadline for Submission: February 29, 2024


The International Review of Literary Studies, an open access with no APC, invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of literature, language, and AI to submit their original contributions for a special issue focused on the intersection of Literature and Artificial Intelligence.

Theme: Literature and AI: Exploring the Nexus of Creativity and Technology

As technology continues to advance, the relationship between literature and artificial intelligence becomes increasingly intricate. This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted connections, implications, and creative possibilities that arise when literature intersects with AI. We welcome submissions that delve into, but are not limited to, the following topics:

1. AI in Literary Creation: Exploring the use of AI in generating literary works, collaborative writing, and the impact on traditional authorship.

2. Digital Narratives and Interactive Storytelling: Analyzing the role of AI in shaping and enhancing digital narratives, interactive storytelling, and reader engagement.

3. Ethical Considerations: Examining ethical concerns related to the use of AI in literature, including issues of bias, privacy, and the implications for cultural representation.

4. Literary Criticism and AI: Reflecting on the implications of AI in literary criticism, interpretation, and the changing landscape of literary studies.

 Submission Guidelines:

 - Manuscripts should be submitted by February 29, 2024.

- All submissions must adhere to the journal's guidelines, available on the [journal's website](

- Manuscripts should be prepared according to the [APA citation style] (

-NO article submission or publication fee

 Review Process:

 All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by experts in the field of literature and AI. Review process may take 3 to 4 weeks.

 Publication Date:

 The special issue is scheduled for publication in the second half of 2024.


Submission Instructions:


Please submit your manuscripts through the [journal's online submission system]( or send your manuscript and queries to ,


For inquiries and additional information, please contact at, ,

 We look forward to receiving your insightful contributions to this groundbreaking exploration of Literature and Artificial Intelligence.



International Review of Literary Studies