'Flannery O'Connor's Second Century: Looking Forward, Looking Back"

deadline for submissions: 
May 15, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Flannery O'Connor Review / Georgia College
contact email: 

Paper proposals of 100-200 words are due by 15 May 2024 to Marshall Bruce Gentry at bruce.gentry@gcsu.edu for "Flannery O'Connor's Second Century: Looking Forward, Looking Back," an academic conference to be held 12-15 Sept. 2024 at Georgia College in Milledgeville, GA, as part of the worldwide "Flannery at 100" celebrations of O'Connor's centennial.

Papers may use any approach to studying O'Connor and her works. Along with your paper proposal, please send a short bio and identify your academic affiliation. 

Keynoters for the conference are Mark Jarman, Mab Segrest, Lisa Hinrichsen, and Karen M. Gravel. Andalusia's new Interpretive Center will be open for visits throughout the conference. 

Expenses for this conference are being paid by the National Endowment for the Humanities, so we are able to offer free registration. 

Check the website for Andalusia Institute, https://www.gcsu.edu/andalusiainstitute for updates. The conference program will be finalized by 1 July 2024.