ESSAY PRIZE--Katherine Mansfield's Women

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Katherine Mansfield Society

The Katherine Mansfield Society is pleased to announce its annual essay prize competition for 2024, open to all, on the subject of

Katherine Mansfield’s Women

The winner will receive a cash prize of £200 and the winning essay will be considered for publication in Katherine Mansfield Studies, vol. 17 (2025),the peer-reviewed yearbook of the Katherine Mansfield Society, published by Edinburgh University Press.

The distinguished panel of judges will comprise:

Emeritus professor Clare Hanson

University of Southampton, UK

Chair of the Judging Panel 

Professor Rishona Zimring

Lewis & Clark College, Portland, USA

Dr Claire Crewery

Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Essays that address any aspect of the theme of Katherine Mansfield’s Women are welcome. The full CFP for this volume can be viewed on our website:

Submissions of c. 6000 words (inclusive of endnotes), in Word format, Times New Roman 12 point, double-line spaced, using MHRA style referencing with endnotes, should be emailed to the editorial team, accompanied by an abstract, 5 keywords, and 50-word biography:

Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2024

A detailed MHRA style guide is available from the Katherine Mansfield Society website: