Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Prospects and Challenges

deadline for submissions: 
April 15, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Otman Bychou and Abdelhak jebbar / Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
contact email: 




Research Laboratory in Literature, Language, Culture

and Communication (RLLLCC)


The 2nd International Conference on Current Issues in Higher Education

under the theme:

Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Prospects and Challenges

May 22nd-23rd, 2024, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, USMS, Beni Mellal


Call for Papers

In the light of the upsurge and ongoing expansion of Artificial Intelligence in all areas of human existence and agency, higher education institutions and scientific research labs have become significantly subject to its implications and impacts, and a wide range of new practices are consequently both permeating and integrating academia, thus forcing learners, professors, researchers, and policy-makers either to become cogs of its wheels or to passively undergo its effects. Whether they are ‘digital natives’ or ‘digital immigrants’, academicians are now facing – or participating in – an unprecedented phase of information technology with impacts on the current learning and teaching models and on methods of conducting and disseminating research. These implications and impacts of AI have also been felt in the context of institutions of Arts and Humanities in particular, thus bringing to the fore questions having to do with the manners in which literary and language disciplines are to cope now and later with this phenomenon which has become a tool offering opportunities but presenting challenges too.

To address these questions and similar issues, the Research Laboratory in Literature, Language, Culture and Communication (RLLLCC) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, has decided to dedicate its 2nd International Conference on Current Issues in Higher Education to the theme of “Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Prospects and Challenges”. The organizers welcome proposals from scholars and doctoral researchers on the challenges, impacts and possible uses of AI in higher education and in academic scientific research in general. The topics may include, but are not limited to, the following axes:

 - Generative AI in Teaching and Research: Challenges and Opportunities

- AI SWOT in Humanities and Cultural Studies

- Research Supervision and Generative AI

- Language Learning-Teaching and AI

- Creative Writing Processes and AI

- AI Literacy

- AI, Equity and Inclusion in Education

- Ethics of AI in Education / AI Policy

- Fieldwork and Virtual (Field) Work

- Digital Humanities, Online literature and Computer Criticism

- AI Media in the Academic Context

- Teaching Film and Visual Material in Light of AI Technologies and Issues

- AI in Fiction and Film: Recent Trends

- Automatic/Machine Translation: Breakthroughs and Challenges 

- Authorship in the Context of AI

- New IP Issues Posed by AI

- Power and Hegemony through AI

- Harnessing Global Knowledge through AI


Please submit a 250-word abstract with proposed title by April 15th, 2024 to

Selected papers will be published in Conference proceedings.


No registration fees. Accommodation and travel expenses will be the participants’ responsibility.


Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15th, 2024

Organizers’ Response: April 22nd, 2024

Conference Date: May 22nd-23rd, 2024

Conference Coordinators:

Otman Bychou

Abdelhak Jebbar

Conference Venue:

Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Beni Mellal, Morocco