Call for Submissions: Journal of Springsteen Studies
BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies ( is an open-access academic journal that publishes peer-reviewed essays on Bruce Springsteen. The editors of BOSS are currently soliciting papers for the journal’s sixth edition, with an expected publication date of December 2024.
BOSS offers a contemporary academic platform dedicated to the study of Springsteen. The journal publishes interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to Springsteen’s body of work, performance, and place in popular culture. We are interested in a wide range of topics, including Springsteen’s representation of class and gender, political and religious ideas, fandom, legacy, and influences from literature, music, and cinema. Please submit a 500-word abstract or an article between 15 and 25 pages that conforms to the Chicago Manual of Style by e-mailing it to Caroline Madden at by April 8, 2024.
The editor Jonathan D. Cohen received his PhD in history from the University of Virginia and is the author of Long Walk Home.
The managing editor Caroline Madden is the author of Springsteen as Soundtrack.