Call for Applications: Linda H. Peterson Fellowship

deadline for submissions: 
March 15, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
contact email: 

Linda H. Peterson Fellowship Deadline: 15 March 2024
 The Linda H. Peterson Fellowship was named after the widely influential Yale professor and longtime RSVP Board member and Vice President, and created with funds from a generous bequest to RSVP by the late Eileen Curran, pioneering researcher and Emerita Professor of English at Colby College. The purpose of the Peterson Fellowship is to support one scholar for four full-time months to enable them to conduct a research project on the 19th-century British periodical and newspaper press. Funds could be used to supplement sabbatical or other grant income, provide course “buy outs,” and/or conduct travel related to the project.  During the award period, a grantee could conduct secondary research, write, or pursue other scholarly activities related to a proposed project.  However, eligible projects must include substantial research in nineteenth-century primary sources, whether those sources appear in print, manuscript, or digital facsimile.

The Peterson Fellowship is intended to provide a researcher with the most valuable scholarly resource—time.  Thus, an awardee is expected to hold the fellowship for a continuous period for the equivalent of four, full-time months.  In the event that a full-time tenure is not possible, a part-time (or combination part-time/full-time) tenure can be requested. (Those who are seeking less than four months should consider RSVP’s Curran Fellowships Program.) 

Please note that the award amount has increased from $17,500 to $20,000 for 2024 in response to feedback and as part of a review of our award programmes. We hope this change encourages even more applicants and offers fuller support to the awardee. More information about the Peterson Fellowship can be found here: Applications can be made here: Any questions can be submitted to