Conjuring up Decolonial Alternatives: Subversive Navigations of Transnational Colonialisms

deadline for submissions: 
March 30, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Cairo Studies in English


“Decolonial thinking and doing focus on the enunciation, engaging in epistemic disobedience and delinking from the colonial matrix in order to open up decolonial options—a vision of life and society that requires decolonial subjects, decolonial knowledges, and decolonial institutions." (Mignolo 2011, 9)

Amidst contemporary global transformations, reshuffled power relations and dynamic shifts, our perception of transnational colonialisms has been in continuous flux. Colonial rule (with its diverse manifestations within distinct imperial contexts) has shaped the intricate relationship between the postcolonial and the transnational. Although colonial imaginings and practices have spawned varied forms of independence (the niche of postcolonialism), the enduring presence of transnational colonialism in our world has prompted calls for “decolonial” alternatives and practices to resist power dynamics and interrogate its myriad of discontents. In this context, illuminating the intersections of power and race, Edward Said spotlighted what amounted to a “virtual unanimity” that “one race deserves and has consistently earned the right to be considered the race whose main mission is to expand beyond its own domain.” (Said 1994, 53). It comes as no surprise then that “decolonial thinking,” was proposed as a means to novel/subversive substitutes to the imposed Western manifestations of modernity, globally enforced through colonialism. Quijano’s “extrication” and Mignolo’s “delinking”, among others, emphasized the need for a “decolonization of knowledge” and a disentanglement from the “colonial matrix of power” (CMP)-over simply removing the colonizer from the territory (Mignolo 2011, 54).

In the spirit of Mignolo’s profound insights, this special issue seeks to engage scholars and researchers in an exploration of a potential decolonized future (Mbembe)-paving the way for a radical rethinking of these knowledge-power relations, and the local, global, and glocal neocolonial powers. Contributing to a subversive dialogue on established / conventional theories of colonialism (one which endorses an elaborate “multiple colonialisms'' theoretical framework, and as a continuously present condition), this issue aims to engage with diverse perspectives, voices, and contexts prevalent in different parts of the world. Our inquiry hinges on an investigation of cultural and literary representations which expose the intricate mechanisms of colonial relationships, examining their enduring impact in an era of globalization and transnationalism; the ongoing effects of imperiality and imperialism, incorporating its temporal aspects (articulated by Ann Laura Stoler’s concept of “duress” (Stoler 2010, xxiv)); and underscoring the agency of (ex- )colonized communities in enforcing / resisting these complex dynamics, in order to take action for transformation.

Papers might interrogate but are not limited to addressing:

● Anti-colonial movements and theories and practices of resistance.

● Settler colonialism in a transnational perspective.

● The dynamics of “data colonialism”.

● The social institution of patriarchy as the dark side of colonialism. ● Gendering/ The gendered negotiations of power between the Global South and Global North.

● Decolonizing gender studies.

● Strategies for subversion and decoloniality.

● Decolonizing pedagogy and teaching.

● The university as a platform and engine of decolonization

● Globalization from a decolonial perspective

● Mobility within a decolonial context

● Ecological Legacies of Colonialism

● Nation-State Indigenous epistemologies

Abstracts of 200-300 words should be sent to: by March 30, 2024 (please add a short bio note of 50 words). Notifications of acceptance will be dispatched by April 7, 2024.

Submission of selected full articles (6000-8000 words—including notes and references) will be due on August 31, 2024. Articles will undergo a rigorous blind review process by scholars in their respective fields. The issue is scheduled for December 2024.

Submissions will be considered ONLY through:

Submission guidelines:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the special issue editors (Shereen Abouelnaga - Nevine El Nossery- Rania Elshabassy) at

Cairo Studies in English (ISSN: 0575-1624; e-ISSN: 2682-2504)